
What do you do when you have over-protective parents?

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I mean everytime I want to go out with a guy, I have to lie. Even when i'm going to a party with my friends, I have to lie. Im sick of lying to my parents, and I hate the fact that they are over-protective. I can't just talk to them about it, they won't understand.

What should I do? Continue lying until I am in college?




  1. How old are you? And are you aware that when you lie they will never trust you and if you are lying its a reason not to. Lying is not the answer and yet you have already decided it is. What do you talk to your parents about. " mom and dad, I am a liar but trust me anyway to be with who I say I am and where I say I am."  You are proving how young and immature you are by lying and calling your parents over protective. They are being good parents and rather than over protective, they are protecting you from your own foolish decisions.I have a feeling those parties you go to might be drugs and alcohol parties. And these guys you speak of: your parents have an obligation to know who they are. How old are they? I think you don;t tell your parents because you are doing things you shouldn't as opposed to: "They don't understand" You need to acquire honesty and do some soul searching as to how you want to lead your life. Your parents will be there when no one else will. They are your best friends and you owe them respect.

  2. i was just about to ask the same thing,

    i had to lie to my parents about my old boyfriend becuase they hated him

    and then in the end i dumped him becuase i didnt know what to do i didnt tell him that when i broke up with him but i want to know the asswr to this to

  3. Well what I do is in a sense live two different lives. I have a day life in which I lie about going somewhere or doing something. My night life, I don't even tell my dad about, I just sneak out.

    The most "moral" thing you could do is just stop lying and ask them if you can go out and just accept what they tell you.

    but since no teenager ever does this

    My suggestion would be to keep the lying to a minimum, except about dating. I choose the parties I go to, I don't go to a great many but when I do its one of the bigger ones and I get my enjoyment out of it. This way you are obeying your parents somewhat by not partying as much but still getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.

    but this does depend on your age. if you are still in middle school or going into freshman year you shouldn't be doing any of this and stop before you get into serious **** with some dude or a party gone wrong were the po po are called.  

  4. how old are you?  i think you are probably too young to date.  take heart that one day you'll be grown up and can do what you want.  right now "over protective" parents are better than parents who let their kids call the shots.  you're only a child for a short time and an adult for the rest of your life.  so slow down and think about the lying and sneaking you are doing.  whatever is going on now, will be there when your parents allow you to date or you are 18.  

  5. I understand where you're coming from.

    My parents are super overly protective of me too.

    I mean they trust me to walk to school alone, go downtown alone, etc. But they won't let me go out with my friends to parties, concerts, or warped tour this year [grrr...] but they let me do other stuff alone, like going to my mom's work - taking the subway alone, etc.

    I had a boyfriend but they didn't know about it. I made sure they didn't because my parents have this rule about not dating until i'm like 18 - i know, right?

    Anyways, I always lie sometimes too, when i want to go to a concert, i go, oh it's for school - some of the parents are gonna be there, etc.

    But sometimes, if i want them to let me go somewhere/ do something, I try to be extra-good and responsible around them to gain their trust. And when I ask them, I try not to whine and explain them the details, ask sincerely, etc.

    Works sometimes. But yeah, I'm only entering freshman year though, so yeah.

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