
What do you do when you just can't seem to wake up and get going in the morning?

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Most days I feel really sleepy and can't seem to get my butt in gear. Here it is, after 2 pm and I still haven't gotten dressed. I just want to stay in bed! I have chronic depression and I know that is part of my problem.

What kind of things get you motivated? I need help!




  1. first thing try getting in the shower you will feel refreshed and it may help you have a more positive outlook on the day and you will have to get dressed. call a friend or family member and set up some plans to do through out the day so your not alone and the depression can't set in and try making a list of things you want to do so that your not just feeling lost and don't know where to start and don't try to complete the list in one day take your time and slowly accomplish the tasks on your list it will give you a feeling of achievment. maybe see a doctor to see what they recommed about the depression hope this helped, good luck

  2. I would set an alarm a week before school starts and get yourself up earlyer than school starts so you'll be ready! If it's for school I  spalsh my face with water to wake me up or you can think to your self if I get ready fast i might have some time to go on the computer or some thing !  

  3. Get outside for some fresh air, go for a walk.

    Maybe a big cup of coffee too!

    Find youself a project to do, cook, bake, clean something.

    But you can't do these things in your pjs, you must get dressed.

  4. splash water on your face to help you wake up!!

  5. A vacation? maybe going away will give you something to look forward to! Or maybe treat yourself to some of your favourite food :)

  6. you should do yoga im the exact same way so doin yoga motivates me

    to do stuff it comes on at 6:00 to 7 in the mornin on oxygen, tape it and do it at a bout 10:00  which is when your day starts.then jus think of what goals your tryn to accomplish and do them

  7. Hop in the shower first thing.  Then have a cup of coffee outside.  Then start thinking while walking or running.

    I have the same problem, and to be honest, don't always follow my own advice... today for example :(

  8. My son... on weekends he comes into our room and crawls up in our bed and YELLS "mommy daddy wake up." And then he usually "demands" oatmeal. LOL He's so cute!

    On weekdays, I just don't have a choice. Have to get my a$$ out of bed and go to work.

  9. Try drinking a cup of coffee (if you are a coffee drinker.)

    Turn a bright light on to help you wake up faster, or you could turn on the tv or stereo.

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