
What do you do when you just know that it's over?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years and for about the last 3 of them things have been really s**+**y between us. We have a daughter together and at times I've told myself that I stay bc of her but I'm not worried about that anymore. He's lied, cheated, has treated me bad and we've even physically fought with one another and through all this he tells me that he's tired of me. Tells me that he does what he does bc he feels like I should treat him better and do a better job as a wife. I was upset at first bc I felt like that was really unfair for him to be mad at me and tell me those things when he's the one that has messed up, but now I don't care. I want a divorce bc I could be on my own or with somebody who would treat me a lot better. Want to hear what you guys think.




  1. Doesn't matter what we think, you already know its time to go.  You said it yourself, we are strangers.

  2. well honey you said it yourself. You deserve someone who will appreciate you and treat you like the queen that you are. And I know it's hard to leave a  relationship/marriage when there are children involved and all. But YOU still have to live too and in order to make and keep your daughter happy you have to be happy too and trying to maintain a dumpy marriage is not the best route to go. If you truly feel in your heart that you need and want to leave then babygurl DO IT. Just make sure you don't put so much of a strain on yourself that it effects your relationship with your child. Be sure to have her around her father at least on a regular basis. Before you have any second thoughts always say this to yourself: "Why keep going through this? I can do bad all by myself."

  3. Leave! Any man who's lied and cheated doesn't deserve happiness! If he's abused you he'd do it to your child!

  4. Get a divorce

  5. Without details, it's hard to know just how serious the problems are. So, I'll say two things for your consideration:

    First, do not divorce with the idea of finding another man. If you have one in mind, put him out of there. If you divorce, it must be solely on the basis of the status of your relationship with your husband. Thoughts of other possible relationships must not enter the equation. You married him for better or worse, and you have a responsibility to play it out to the end one way or another.

    Secondly, if you think you might have some culpability in the way you have treated him, I would suggest that you get a copy of Dr. Laura Schlessinger's book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." She offers a look at how men often see their marriage and gives some good advice that you can follow to ensure that you're doing everything you can to save your marriage.

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