
What do you do when you really like someone, but he is way too old(I'm in high school)?

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I'm like, completely in love with this guy(well obviously not in LOVE love but you get the picture ;D) But there's a huge issue: he's 6 years older than me. I'm a Sophomore in high school and he's a Junior in college. I know it won't go anywhere, we barely talk to each other, he's also a good guy so I know he wouldn't date a high schooler. So I was thinking, should I just cut him out of my life completely? Because I'm basically obsessing over him and it hurts to think of how it's never going to happen. So should I just like, erase his number from my phone, delete him from my Myspace, and move on? Will that make it easier to get over him?




  1. Since you already know that your relationship with him is a slim, slim, slim possibility, it makes things much easier. Obsession is not healthy for anyone if it lasts too long or takes over your mind completely. I think you should not cut him out of your life with a snap of a finger. It'll probably kill yourself inside. There's no need to delete him anywhere, if you don't have to. All you have to do is join extracurricular activities in school to keep your time filled up, so you don't have so much time to day dream and obsess over him. The next thing: Go boy hunting. Lol, not with the guns, but try to hang out with your friends and meet new people, preferably guys if you are looking for a love life. It might make this easier for you if you have someone who you can devote your time and love to. Good luck!

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