
What do you do when you see.....

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What do you do when you see a mouse? do you scream,jump on the nearest thing or throw something at it?

lol i just saw one and i screamed and jumped on the nearest thing.

whats so weird is all i was doing was listening to Quran then the next thing you know it i see it creeping out my closet then my heart began to pound soooooo its in my mom and dads room :o)




  1. I scream in cRazY way ;o)

  2. dont scream.

    you will scare it .

    be cool , get a trap , put in it cheese without touching it bec it doesnt like it if touched by humans .

    there is somthing you can also use .

    it's glue from the pharmacy that you spread on a piece of carton paper .

    put it in the places it would go to .

    add a piece of cheese without touching .make many services of this kind .

    it will fall for one of these , in shaa allah.

  3. A mouse looks nice.. it's the rat I really hate looking at

    and the cockroach as well .. yugh

  4. thats good you still at home me will leave or at least i was left already bosy 27san 7aga hato laz2 we 7oto 3la 7eta 2blkash kartona gamda 7ylz2 isa

    el bors kman momkn aseb el beat bsbabo we el srarser ya33333333 fta7ty mawdo3 mo2rf  

  5. i once saw 2 mouses while i am watching a movie on the was like a movie exactly.

    looked at them then looked back at the movie for 2 or 3 seconds then i looked back,i quietly took my legs of the floor and put it on the chair then i began to call everybody!

  6. hahahaha... :D.. I scream too, I only saw a mouse twice or three times in my life.. lol at all the three times: I screamed :D

  7. I don't scream

    They r so cute

    If u mean that white one with red eyes...That i love it so much

    But i don't see Rats or mouse in ma home......Other wise upon camping , U will see everything ....Rats ......Mice.....Snakes.....


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