
What do you do when you see someone you barely know or haven't seen in a while?

by  |  earlier

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It always gets really awkward in these situations because I have a good memory so I remember a lot of people. When I see someone I barely know or haven't seen in a while, I don't want to initiate anything because what if they don't remember me. I always get flustered in these situations and just don't do anything, so I'm just wondering if anybody has these moments and what they do. Thanks




  1. why this ego.

    if they don't know you, how does it matter.

  2. If you make everything you say into a question

    such as "I think i know you?"

    it will make the other person think that you're not sure if you know them or not

    so if they have no idea who you are, then they will just think you made a minor mistake

    compared to you saying "Hi ____!"

    which could startle them if they don't remember you

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