
What do you do when you stumble upon a really annoying g*y person? Do you have to try to like them?

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What do you do when you stumble upon a really annoying g*y person? Do you have to try to like them?




  1. If you are forced to see/talk to them every day then I'd try to be kind to them like I'm kind to everyone.

  2. If someone's really annoying, I am simply annoyed by them and will not attempt to have a conversation with them. Their sexual orientation actually makes no difference to me if they're annoying.  

  3. No you should not try to like them just because they are g*y. Treat a person that is g*y how you would any other person. Would you try to like a straight if they were annoying? Probably not.

  4. Let me rephrase your question for you. What do you do when you stumble upon a really annoying person? because it's the same thing. people who are annoying, are not fun to be around. You never have to like an annoying person, and you shouldn't spend time with them. As long as your civil with them, and try to keep your distance you'll be alright. Just keep the fact that they're g*y out of it, because that has nothing to do with why they're annoying.

  5. Just remember, we don't have to like and accept everybody, but we do have to respect everybody.

  6. You don't  HAVE to do anythhing....g*y people are just the same as everyone else.....treat them as you would any other annoying person

  7. Nope! Just be yourself,and treat him with the same respect you require.

  8. Nah, I may not agree with their lifestyle or their annoying antics, but I will always treat them with respect and compassion.  

  9. no a bunch of them were talking about humping who's who when my three year old was present at a restaurant and i moved him to another table. i dont have to listen to a couple talking about what each others looked tasted like and i dont have to listen to it from g**s either

    however the rudies looked at me like i was offended by their life style so to each their own no matter how rude.

  10. a person is still a person no matter what sexuality they are, treat them like you would treat any other annoying person you met. im sure this person would not like it if you felt like you had to treat them like glass because they are g*y.

  11. There is a difference in being annoyed by someone for difference or aspects of their personality.

    Ask yourself what annoys you about this person. If it is just because they are different from you, then try to understand them a little better.

    If it is aspects of their personality like being loud, forceful, disrespectful, then treat them like any other person. Disliking a g*y person doesn't make you homophobic, unless it is based on their sexuality.

    As a g*y person, I realize that there are a lot of annoying boys out there that aren't worth your time.

  12. I don't see what them being g*y has to do with anything..

    if they are annoying they are annoying

  13. Dont ever pretend to like someone. If you have experience their personality and find thast its not to your liking, theres nothing that says you have to put up with it. Sometimes annoying people are just immature, and they dont realize they are losing friends over their quirk.

  14. NO.... I will walk and run away... If its something like I work with the guy then I will quit  

  15. I would treat them like how i would treat any other annoying individual

  16. I try to avoid him/her.  I would try to find some redeeming qualities in him/her, but orientation doesn't play a role in my assessment of someone else.

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