
What do you do when you think someone hates you but...

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you like them? you know, you think they're cool and everything..? im in a situation where i think someone hates but but thats not what i think of them. do i just forget about them or do i ask them about it or what? i think sometimes they can be sweet, but then i dont want to fall into thinking they are nice bc i dont want my heart or sort of trust ripped out. sorry if its confusing but its sorta important.




  1. Well ask them if they do hate  and why. Then talk things out

  2. Great question you know. like i having hard time. Cool thing for sure. I like, They like. If you want to ask a question , then ask it. Quit the c**p.There is a section for childrens questions.

  3. when you say like do you mean, LIKE like or just friend like? because that could change the question.

    oh, right. well, seeing as i know who we are talking about, i say you umm. . . . move on. this is (elementary/middle/highschoo/college) and we still have time to pick an choose our "man". so why not go after some one who actually cares? i dont think he hates you, he probably just has absolutely no idea and thinks you call me too much. he doesn't hate you. but i don't really think he is looking for an older girl. that is just my take on it.

  4. Leave it alone.  Being nice to some people gives them a green light to take advantage of you.  You judge what kind of person they are.

  5. I do... it's better to just let it go.

    Love Jack

  6. Fabulous question, my advice to you  is go ahead and become this guy's tool.  Remember when he slaps you around and uses you as his personal punching bag it's because he loves you and he will never do it again until he does do it again.  Follow your heart, don't listen to that stupid little voice that is telling you that this is a bad idea, love conquers all right?  You can change him right?  

    What's the worse thing that can happen, he throws you down the stairs to abort the child you just told him your carrying?  What's a little abuse induced miscarriage between soul mates right?  And don't forget that warm and secure feeling of being someones property. I mean it does fill the time having to report in every time you go and do anything right?

    And just think of all the new experiences and people you will get to meet as he dumps on you and goes out with all those really hot girls that are just "friends".  And all those office visits when you get to a medical education about HIV, HERPES etc...

    Of course at least you won't have to hassle balancing your own checkbook as he will be handling all your finances investing in beer, pot and other women.

    But at least you can look forward to a luxurious HUD apartment and the adventure of raising those fatherless children without a dime in support.

    So girl, you go get your man, beause he is cool and we know he is what women really want.

  7. If it's a girl that you want to be friends with and you think she doesn't like you then at the first opportunity you get laugh at one of her jokes, tell her you love the way she does her makeup or ask her advice about something a little bit private...she's probably just jealous of you and if you let her know you're a regular kind of person she may warm up to you.

    If this is not the situation then forget what I just said.


  8. go for it. ask or maybe you will never know.and you may always have some kind of problem with this person.

  9. wait is this a friend or a crush? i'm confused..but just get over liking them, because a friend is someone who should appreciate you...

  10. Well, you do always end up finding yourself in a tricky situation,don't you? This boy must be pretty special to you. And you say he hates you? Well that is a little harsh. Did he do anything specific to make you feel that way, or are you just stressing because he didn't glance your way? Either way, he doesn't really sound like he cares about your feelings a whole lot. I think it is time to start looking for someone else. You have to be careful with your heart because you only have one to give. Why don't you let someone chase YOU for a while? It is way more fun! It takes a while sometimes, (like in my case) but the rewards are better. If it is a friend that hates you, well then, you might have to reanalyze your friendships. Friends are the one's who hold the most power when it comes to tearing you down. Distance yourself from her, and place her out side of your circle of friends. Then, if she has anything to say further, pay no attention to it, because it probably isn't constructive. I hope that helps!  

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