
What do you do when you think your best friend is g*y?

by  |  earlier

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It's only a suspicion. I followed his tracks when he we surfing, and he was trying to download a g*y movie, the movie is knda like an award winning drama movie, not the kind of movie who's sole purpose is p**n... do you think he's g*y?

I have nothing against g*y people... i just wanna find out if i know my bestfriend well enough...




  1. everyone gets curious at some point. i don't think he's g*y. if he is, he's still the same guy you've known. he just won't appreciate American Pie movies as much as you would expect. lol

  2. honestly leave it alone if he is he will tell you when its the right time for him but trying to find out wont help him atall, ive said this before to other people but think about it would you feel any better if every1 on yahoo answers said yes or if he came out to you personally in his own time??

    what would you do if we thought he was?? you cant confront him about it. youve got to wait untill hes ready  

  3. Watching something g*y doesn't make someone g*y. He may simply enjoy the movie, that doesn't mean he now enjoys having a deep relationship with a dude.

  4. Why not ask him? If the movie is Brokeback Mountain, its a good one.

  5. Maybe he just wanted to see the movie. You will never know unless you ask and how do you ask when your evidence is based on snooping?  

  6. He could be g*y...although thats not really very strong evidence, bring up the subject of g*y rights sometime when ur alone, see how he reacts, make sure he knows that your ok with g*y people...but basically let him come out if he is in his own time... also the fact that you don't know if he is doesn't mean you don't know him just means that  he's not g*y or he hasn't come to terms with it yet... it takes a while sometimes into your twenties before someone comes out...everyones different...just be there for him,

  7. There is a possibility- but you can't judge a book by the cover.

  8. If he will tell you he will. Don't push him or anything you might "scare the prey" :D

  9. eves dropping, is something every one likes to do. I love it too.

    Thanks for your genuine concern. Even straight men watch g*y p**n, just for teh thrill of iot. but yes, more g*y people watch so.

    I feel he is g*y.  

  10. i don t think trying to downald a g*y's movie makes you g*y, well ask him to find out the truth

  11. This doesn't mean he's g*y

    Does he have girlfriends or boyfriends?

    Otherwise just ask him!

  12. well it depends on how long you two have been friends. If its been a while just give him some time and see if he tells you, or just be like "hey man don't take this the wrong way but are you g*y?" i wouldn't bother though. What movie's you watch don't make you g*y. Its usually the looking at other guy's asses and making out with them.

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