
What do you do when your 14 years old and facing 4 15-17 years olds in an unfair fight?

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Right tomoz I am propally gonna get jumped by 4 lads older than me possibly with weapons, wtf do I do? Its not even my fight but now I am involved for being his friend great...

Advice would be great and not showing up will make it worse.




  1. Kick the p**s out of the biggest one first!

  2. You're English right? Happens too bloody often in this country. All I can say is even if this fight does result in the worst you were a good friend by standing by him. If there is any way of explaining things peaceably use it. Or call the cops. But how can you not show up if you are going to get ambushed. I have been in a similar situation and you must stay in a large group of people at all times and don't try and be aggressive. Just weather the storm and soon it will blow over. Either that or by a big gun and FILL THEY ASSES FULL O' LEAD.

  3. Weapons?Don't be a prat what could be worse than being scarred for life or dead?Tell someone!

    If it was just a normal fight I'd say pick out the big guy and be first in but you can't risk it when weapons are involved,really.You know I'm right and the fact you're on here desperately looking for advice means you're scared and rightly so as there's four of them.Tell someone!

    What City are you in or near?

    Glad you're o.k. but keep watching your back.

  4. ****... erm!! speaking as a parent I would say tell your parents!! or your school!!! things today are soo bad for teenagers.. you could end up getting really hurt.. BUT I remember school days and doing that would make it a million times worse ..yeah? how about a older 'hard' friend/ brother/uncle?? ... I wish I could help!! but I  do know this is the reason I am making sure my daughter will know at least one form of martial arts.. maybe just not turn up? and avoid them till they are bored?? ...good luck hun, I'm sorry I don't have the answer.. x*x

    Edit: ok if you are up for it, go for the 'leader' the one with the biggest gob and concentrate on him!!! (the eyes, throat or the balls!!!) a good had smack behind the ear (bottom of it) will have him knocked out cold!! ...hopefully the other chicken s***s will run.. if not go for the eyes and call them for needing weapons..  but really call the police if you know where and when this is going to happen and warn them... after all the publicity this week they should be there waiting!! ???  bloody England!!! xx

  5. yikes. that's a messy one. do you have any mates that would go with you? i know telling an adult is probably not an option, but someone should know. i don't really know what else to say. i'll be thinking about you tho. get some help i guess is my best advice.

  6. If you are white, you have to take it again and again, as there are so many forces working against you stopping this.  They are waiting for you to join together so they can point and say "see, we told you they are like this."

    This may sound odd, but follow Christ.  His teachings are that confronting wrong is your God-given duty and any physical harm done to you will strengthen your position.

    In the short term, make sure you get a good one in to the toughest looking one before the blows rain down.  The fact they're ganging up confirms that they are b*****s.

  7. Get help from any adult..seriously i would even tell ur parents..

  8. !.  You could tell your parents/Police.

    2. You could make sure that there is someone there (in hiding) with a camera phone and tell them that the pics are going straight to the police if they don't go away and if anything should happen to you.    

    It's called insurance love!   Try it, it just might work.   Beat them at their own game.

    I hope it works.    Do let us know that you are OK. tomorrow.


    Glad to know that you are OK.   I would wave your friend bye, bye though.  With friends like that, who would need enemies.   It sounds as though he/she is more trouble than they are worth.

    Stay safe :))

  9. Run like F*ck. Seriously what are you doing confronting each other. Why dont you young people try to get along with each other. Get yourself an interest IE- Evening classes. If you want to play the tough guys join a drama class

  10. I aslo say:Get help from any adult..seriously i would even tell ur parents..

    You need to inform your parents the police and school has soon has possible.

  11. what the bloody h**l are 17 year olds doing getting into fights with a 14 year old?!?!

    Theres not much you can do, just thank god you ain't as pathetic as they are

  12. What does your friend say about it?  I suppose he has his tough friends too?

    Maybe some honest fast talking will help.

    Talk to the leader and say that you don't want to fight because you are a school boy, not a fighter, and you concede that you can't win a fight.  Tell him you don't want a war to start over this, as your friend's friends will probably take it as disrespect if they beat you up, and things will get worse for no reason.

    Talk to your friend or somebody in the tough boy culture and see if this argument makes sense to them, or if they can give you a better approach.

  13. Please go to an adult as soon as possible.

    You are no good dead.

  14. come on man, you are acting crazy, playing with fire, go to the guidance teacher, phone the police, as soon as possible, I do not wish to see you or your friends on the telly, as another knife victim,  that is pretty old fashioned now, yesterdays sadness. You can do it. lol. lol.

  15. I think the person who suggested the camera idea has the best non-violent idea of all because you definitely need something drastic in order to get these guys off your back and in most cases, being caught red handed on a cam with the threat of prosecution, most teenagers would likely back off unless they are aspiring criminals, in which case, read on. Unfortunately, this brings about the threat of retaliation, which is very real and might get you messed up worse.

    You mentioned weapons; if you suspect they have guns or anything that grave - CALL THE COPS. Instances like these are precisely the reason they are here. 14 is too young to die at the hands of a bunch of louts who will likely not add up to s*****m lint.

    alternative (aka what I did in your shoes): if you know they dont have guns, show up and take your licks like a man. Idiots like these wont understand diplomacy and narcing will only make it worse. If they have bats, bring two. Bring a big friend or two (wish I could help but it sounds like you are in the UK) .  If you know a fight is inevitable, ALWAYS throw the first punch and aim straight for the nose (he will be blinded by tears and thus unable to fight ) and best of luck. there's no such thing as fighting "dirty".

    I am 27, but I remember being in the same situation in my teenage years. Being 6'+ , I really didnt get messed with too often in high school, but I did take my first *** kicking at the fists ( and legs and a skateboard) of four gang bangers.  All I can say is that I stopped fearing a$s kickings after I took one; you heal, get over it and move on. (as opposed to bringing guns, in which case, someone doesnt walk away).

    finally, if your friend got you into this, tell him to p**s off after this incident. you dont need friends like that.

    edit: Whatever decision you make is the right one as long as you come through alive. Let us know how it goes and best of luck.

  16. Stun them with your scintillating rapport

  17. You need to inform your parents the police and school has soon has possible.

  18. IDon't think there's much you can do, You can follow their example and be a weakling and form a gang to fight their gang.

    I doubt there is any chance you'll be able to just face up to their ring leader and i know squealing won't help the matter. So I guess your only option is not show up or arrange for children of similar age to help you fight your battle, thats the way it is.

    The one thing you don't want to do is become a tool merchant like them. remember the consequences of your actions.

    I do hope your mate will stand by you through this rough period and I wish you luck, been there myself and took the beating..................

  19. Gather up your friends because once they see you have numbers on your side they will back off.  Although I don't see why you would be alone in this in the first place.  Also, if you have proof of their plan and that they have weapons then that's evidence you can hand over to the police so the police can be on the look out for them.  You should also pick up some form of self defense.

  20. Your going to have to try and face them down. Just be as confident as you can around them - but never let them surround you.

    If things turn violent then use max aggression, max force, keep your chin tucked in and don't be afraid to fight dirty. If they have weapons - punch / knee / kick / bite / grap them anyway. Good places in a weapons situation are in the nuts / throat eyes , nose (because it makes you eyes water).

    Use weapons like food tins in a couple of plastic bags tied up and use it smash they're faces in.

    It they attack with a bat then try to get close to the person with the bat so they don't have room to swing it. It it's a knife - leg it.

    Look up some Krav Maga Techniques on the net tonight - it will give you idea about dirty fighting.

    But do your best to avoid it, post a message after and let us know your still alive, lol.

  21. go to the police and report it

  22. omg, how terrible for you, if i was your mum, i would get them by their ears and bang their heads together, bloody cowards, they really are, get any one of them alone, you see a different picture, please try to tell an adult,  someone you can trust!

  23. Stay indoors all weekend, I mean it.

    Let these people simmer down & tell the POLICE that this is going to kick off. Tell them "can you come and possibly save my life"

    Stay in, and get the police involved. Too many youngsters getting angry and killing one another FOR NO REASON.

  24. Sounds like a good opportunity to polish up your diplomacy.

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