My son used to be a great sleeper/napper until a few weeks ago right before the 8 month mark. He's always so wired, if I put him in the crib for naptime when he starts rubbing his little eyes, the second his head touches the mattress he's suddenly wide awake and clowning around in the crib, and then he starts whining after a bit and crying which turns to screaming. Even if I try to put him down for a nap with me in bed (someone suggested it was separation anxiety) he's wired and he wants to crawl around and play, not sleep. I always make sure he's clean and dry, and nice and fed, and try to stick to the same routine every time - the problem really seems like he just does not want to sleep anymore at all. I would say that maybe he gets 40 minutes to an hour of nap per day after struggling for five hours to get him to take even one tiny nap, and at night he wakes up several times a night now when he used to sleep all night long, and he's waking up earlier and earlier, no matter what time he goes to bed the night before. At this rate, he's getting about 9-10 hours of sleep a day!! I'm very worried about his health if he's going to be doing this, and I can't make him sleep, I can only provide many opportunities which he refuses to take. The only time he seems to fall asleep at all is in the car, but I cannot drive around for 3 hours so he stays asleep. The second you take the carseat into the house he's suddenly wide awake. I googled "refusing to take naps" and it is all about toddlers with, "Your baby used to take two naps a day, but now that they're over a year old..." Well mine's still just a baby, and he never took more than one nap a day, he always only took one nap, but it would be a long 3-4 hour one. Then it got shorter and shorter and now he just won't. Ever. I'm really at a loss and feeling so depressed and sleep-deprived. I just don't know what to do - if anyone has gone through this before, please help! Sorry if this is rambling and long, but I have no family in the area and my husband is at work all day so I'm just slightly falling apart here ><