
What do you do when your Microsoft Zune battery won't charge any more?

by  |  earlier

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BAsically, is the battery replaceable?




  1. Hey you... *runs over, gives big hug* ... long time no see!!

    I miss seeing that "ape" in the poetry section!! So get that battery charged, replaced, repaired, borrow one... what ever, and stop by when you get a chance... we miss you like crazy!!

    Much love always!!


  2. Rechargeable battery usually lasts 2-3 years depends on usage, so your might very well be dead.

    and yes, in general terms - every battery in every gadget is replaceable.

    Only in some cases you simply cannot buy it and you have to send it to the service dept. to replace it (hehe which cost of course more money - that's how they make the buck)

    I have seen a battery replacing kit for iPod in Wal-mart - that had an actual battery AND tools needed to open an iPod and replace the battery. So try to look for similar kit for MS Zune

    Here is one:

    but I dunno your model.

    Good luck


  3. If it is still under warranty then send it back to Microsoft. Otherwise check out sites like Rapid Repair.

  4. yep it's replaceable  

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