
What do you do when your addicted to donuts??????

by  |  earlier

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help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im a die if i dont stop!!!!!




  1. This is a very serious condition known as donut-itus. It may seem like a rather strange condition but is very serious, and needs to be taken with more then a cup of coffee. It doesn't help that there are so many fantastic flavours of donuts from plain to glazed with cinemon and even lemon custard **wipes mouth**. But the steps are somewhat simpler.

    1 - Attend meetings. Often held at dunkin' donuts and donut kings on tuesday night people meet and discuss the addiction over stale coffee.

    2 - Don't eat a donut unless it is 4 days old. It will be stale and stale donuts are never that nice to eat.

    3 - Ask for help. It doesn't help who you ask. Go to a mall and go to every fourth person and say 'I'm a donut addict give me money for cheese cake.'

    It takes a lot of work but with time, you can make a difference and turn your addiction to something better like cheese cake and coffee. I hope this helps.

  2. you should try Bald Eagle. same taste, less calories.

    most endangered species are like that.

  3. Enter a donut eating contest. Eventually, you'll get so sick of them, you'll hate them. Maybe you should try asking this question in psychology instead.

  4. I switch to cupcakes!!

  5. join da police academy...

  6. Stop going to the donut shop.

  7. Just eat the holes.

  8. get rid of all the boxes you have hidden under your bed

  9. Sit down and eat so many that you don't ever want to see another donut for as long as you live.

  10. you get fat

  11. Go on a donut run!

  12. See if you can find a heathier version, made from whole wheat, or baked not fried (I don't know how to find these, but I know they are out there).

    I'm completly addicted to soda, so I switched to diet, and cut back slowly.

  13. Stay away from them completely! Also check your blood sugar. Trade for a healthier addiction.

  14. Smoke cigarettes.  Smokers can't taste things very well. Donuts will lose their appeal. You will die early of lung cancer but in the meantime, you won't be eating donuts.

  15. Buy your most unfavorite kind, I do that with cake. My favorite cakes I want to gobble up. If I get yellow cake with chocolate icing which I totally don't like, I will eat a small amount and there is no problem. So work on your taste buds, and reduce your desire.

  16. if you want to cure the STOP EATING THE DONUTS!!

  17. use moderation,or keep loving to eat them,;anyway sooner or later we are going to die,so it does not matter from what it is!

    or go for the O.D.!!!

  18. I was once addicted to donuts

    but I switched to sniffing girls underwear instead

    now I am healthy

    and you can be too!

  19. Well eating sugar ( donuts) is quite addictive because it releases these "feel good" chemicals in your brain like dopamine. Donuts are carbohydrates which also when metabolized breaks down as sugar. So the scientific part of the donut addiction is just that, sugar is addicting due to the neurological, and physical response to sugar. I would suggest finding other ways to release these "feel good" chemicals in your brain with exercise, enjoyable activities or eating foods with natural sugars like fruit or frozen yogurt. A combo of those things should help, and stay away from the donut store besides being extremely unhealthy it is also a over processed and unnatural food.

  20. Paint yourself yellow and look like an Ape man and buy you some blue pants and a white shirt and run around saying DOH!!!! all the time hahaha lmao

  21. Sell them and use the money to buy crack.  You'll be so high you won't think about another pastery again.

  22. You need a cup of coffee to dunk in ...NOW...

  23. see a hypnotist

  24. Yum, they are very tasty.  My second home used to be a Dunkin' Donuts shop!

    Doc says I have Type 2 Diabetes, so now, I do not eat any sugar.  Well, okay, a tiny bit once in a great while.

    You do not want to wind up in this position, trust me!  Give up the donuts and select vegetables instead.  It takes time to appreciate veggies but they are much better for you.

    Even cops are doing less donuts lately.  You can do it too!

    TOS Ü

  25. ...Go to a Donut Anonymous support group

  26. gain weight! no im joking, just get yourself hooked on something else, something less fatenning.

  27. put in down on the ground and step away from the donut!

  28. Easy.  You eat donuts when addicted to them.

  29. you need more cowbell

  30. Hmmm.. Better learn the warning signs of a heart attack, you might need it.

  31. great call me..i will help u finish  ur donuts in no time

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