No matter how hard I try, my b/f WILL NOT start anything in the bedroom when we go to bed. He used to be the initiator in the beginning but now he acts like, oh well i have her now so what. I mean when I start it he's all for it (at least I think he is, he gets into it anyways), i've even discussed it with him but it always comes back to how his ex treated him, I"M NOT HIS EX, they haven't been together for several yrs so as far as i'm concerned that's no excuse. I don't think he really realizes how it hurts me when he won't try something even though I have discussed it with him. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm the only one in this relationship. I don't doubt that he loves me but I need him to show me once in awhile on his own not by me starting everything. How can I get him to do this?
Feeling Unwanted