
What do you do when your child doesn't want to eat dinner?

by  |  earlier

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Do you punish them? Let me eat something else? What?




  1. When my kids don't want to eat, I just tell them that's fine, but when they are hungry later that night, they do not get a snack.  They both have skipped dinner once and they never will again!  

  2. dont do anything. just say ok , you dont have to eat and then they will finally come and eat. they are trying to get attention so dont do anything. i hav kids of my own and it works..

  3. When my kids don't want to eat the dinner I've made, they don't get anything. unless it's something I know they don't like, then I will make them something else. They will not come to harm by not eating one meal.

    I am not a short order cook.

  4. When my 2 year old refuses to eat dinner, she goes to bed without dinner. It may sound mean but it's not. Once she goes to bed hungry, it makes her want to eat her meal the next night. It won't hurt him skipping one dinner. Just give it a try, if it doesn't work for you, try something else.

    I know it can be very frustrating for you but juts try to be calm with him.

  5. tell them ok and be certain not to give them anything after dinner. no treats, or any other food. also tell them they don't get anything. If they still are not eating try cutting out a snack that is closest to dinner or even make dinner a bit later.

  6. What is the age of the child?

    2 year old might still be on a bottle and full of liquids.

    i would try games to encourage solid food

    Most kids go through stages where they do not want to eat.

    i would ASK firmly (esp) if they are school-age to TRY

    something on their plate because later the kitchen would be closed

    and she would not be able to do so then.

  7. My daughter is going to be 4 in November. There are no ifs ands or buts about it, she's eating. I may not make her eat all of her supper as we tend to give her a lot, but she will eat a good amount.

    My daughter is 41" tall and only 32 lbs. The 3 year old clothing doesn't fit her as it falls down and the size 2 are too small in the legs. If I didn't make her eat she probably never would.

  8. Wait.

    Cover the his plate, put it away in the fridge.

    When he comes up to you later telling you he is hungry, warm up his plate. If he refuses, then wait more until he is hungry enough to eat what everyone else is eating.

    Sometimes people are not hungry at the same time everyday. Maybe he had a late snack? Don't force him to eat if he is not hungry. Just wait.

  9. I save it.  If he gets hungry later, I put it out again.  I won't force him to eat (my parents did that to me, and it only made my food issues worse) but I won't let him snack unless he's eaten his meals.  

  10. If they do not want to eat dinner they must sit at the table and be polite until the rest of the family is done, then they may leave the table, but if they want anything else later they will only get water.

  11. Let them go to bed without dessert... no need for punishment, just inform them if they are showing they aren't going to eat that they will NOT be getting anything else, so if they are hungry, they better eat what's on their plate... and that if there is dessert, they won't be getting any.

  12. If its because they don't like whats for dinner- they had cereal or they did not eat- thats it.    

  13. Save their dinner. Eventually they will get hungry, and you can give them it.  Now if it is something that they really do not like, it is fair to expect them to eat it? Probably not... would you want to eat something you do not like?  

  14. My son is almost 2 and I asked his pediatrician a similar question.. he just didn't want to eat at all. His pedi. said to put the food on his tray/plate, if he doesn't eat it, don't give him any snacks or anything else. He will eventually learn to eat what's in front of him when he's hungry enough. That was about 4 months ago. I followed his advice and now my son (23 months) will sit at the table and eat 85% of his dinner, and is willing to try most anything.

    Good luck

  15. Don't punish or force him to eat, he will eat when he is hungry.   You don't say how old your child is.  My advice would be to fix dinner, if he doesn't eat when you and your husband sit down or doesn't finish his meal set it aside and when he is hungry you let him eat that and no snacks after.

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