
What do you do when your dog loves you more than your husband loves you?

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Why can't my man, rush to the door and sniff my crotch to greet me, too!! Where's the love?




  1. You must be a pack leader!

    Did you give him a treat when he behaves as you like?

    Maybe he's been a baaaad boy while you were away. Any b*****s around your neighborhood in heat? Did he c**p on your white carpet?

  2. Your dog wouldn't do that if you didn't feed him and give him shelter, he'd walk right past you just like your husband probably does. Why don't you drop on all fours and sniff your husband's crotch when he gets home? That will get his attention.

  3. Um your husband isnt a dog. thats something you need to distinguish!

  4. your dog is smarter than your husband. haha, that's funny.

  5. Divorce your husband and marry your dog.

    That aside if my partner were so over enthusiastic and followed me around the house i would get mad at him after a while.  

  6. I feel your pain.  At least my dog pays attention to me and is excited to see me when I come home.  My husband could learn a lot from the dog.  

  7. Re-name your dog "woodie".  Then get a jeans mini-skirt and cut it even shorter, and wear a thong under it.  Do kegel exercises to increase your "ITC" so it's easier for your husband to sniff it.  

    Email me if you don't know what ITC is.

  8. kick hubby out of bed, and hug the dog.

  9. Divorce your husband and marry the dog...

  10. thanks for giving me a laugh, i needed it!

  11. Some candles, a romantic dinner, doggy treats.  You might enjoy him more than your husband.  Kidding of coarse!  Lol!

  12. LOL...stop feeding your dog and then see how much it "loves" you...

  13. It's a good thing!  You wouldn't want your husband l*****g his balls all day, either.

  14. Kick the husband out, save your bacon grease the dog will love you even more

  15. LOL so leave your husband and marry the dog

  16. lol we are dogs in a way. but srry we dont run to the door smelling crouches some girls might freak out and put us to sleep.

  17. More wag, less bark. That should fix ya ..

  18. Dump the husband, and run away with the dog.

  19. I like that - you made me laugh.  Go figure.  Divorce him and marry your dog.  HA HA.  If the stuff is out of your marriage than tell him that you wish to seek counseling.

  20. Hey dog's have unconditional love and unfortunately men don't....they have at the moment love.

  21. Hmmm... I aint a dog person.  I like cats, but that's cuZ they know when to stay the F*CK outta my face.  And they are cooler.  I want to own 50 cats.  Men and dogs BOTH irritate me.

  22. I hope you are kidding.  Marriage cannot ever stay in the very animal passionate state of newlyweds.  You have to grow and love gets deeper and s*x gets better!  It is much more intimate and if you aren't getting what you want from your man...give it to HIM!  There is nothing wrong with you intitating it.  

    What you take for lack of love is probably him getting older and more tired and stressed etc.  Why not let him relax with a hot shower and a good meal and some great conversation and snuggling. Don't press the s*x so much and it will happen when he is relaxed.

    You really don't expect him to be ready for s*x after work do you?  You are being unrealistic.  It might happen sometimes...especially when you are newlyweds and in the early stages of marriage...but when you have kids and careers etc...marriage takes a little more maturity and work !

    In a marriage you don't wait for him to know your to him...or show him...but give him time to relax after work.   He is not a s*x machine and you hit a button...s*x is in the mind too!

  23. hygiene?

  24. Sweetheart most humans are less demonstrative than animals, just because he does not leap on you when you walk in the door does not mean that he does not love you. Oh and guineapig, most men wish they could do that.

  25. ewwww

  26. ewww..your dog sniffs your crotch??  

  27. Go ahead and make love to the dog..Maybe then he'll pay attention to u

  28. Have you considered the fact that your dog loves your husband more than you do, or considered the fact that your dog loves both of you equally?

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