
What do you do when your down ?

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what do you do when you're feeling miserable or down ?




  1. i say to myself: i only have one life so why spend it in a bad mood!

    pretty much i take my worries and throw them away

    its pretty much how i live!!

  2. I seek o****m.  o****m releases something into the body that can elevate your mood.  I'm being perfectly serious.  I counter mild depression, that comes and goes, with orgasms.  When I feel the blues coming on I make sure I get one or two orgasms per day.  Yes, that requires some self servicing.  lol.  But hey, it's natural and it works!

    Exercise is another great way to counter mild depression.  In fact, if I am exercising regularly and 'getting it' I usually don't experience the blues.

  3. excercise and maybe get some sun. works like magic!

  4. Eat a cookie :) do something that makes you feel good. If you haven't spoke to your dad or mom call them, or call a friend it may help. Put on a favorite movie, do whatever you have the most fun doing. Or you can always take a nice long bath and just relax.  It really depends on what you like, and if you can't think or anything really, try something new!! You never know, you may find something new you really like!

  5. Working out can pick you up when you're down. you can let out a lot of stress that you wont need when you are down.  and after you work out you would have build up enough positive energy so the negative wont bother you as much.

  6. do something u like to do that would make you feel better, for example go out with ur friends.

    whenever im down i go ahead and skate with my friends around town and find things to do tricks on and stuff, it helps me cause its what i like to do, hope this helped and hope u feel much better

  7. Get drunk or take my xanax.

  8. exercise

    take my dogs to the dog park

    go to a movie

    talk to a close friend

    eat ice cream and/or chocolate


    go the ocean

    make a plan to go somewhere for a weekend

    go to any local events


  9. Read my Bible,

    The good Lord always reminds me he is in control, and there is a perfect and good reason for the problems I'm going through.

  10. sit down with a bottle of something strong,,,,

    and get drunk !

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