
What do you do when your fave team already has 1 pim?

by  |  earlier

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and then some other idiot gets a pim and turns it into a 5 on 3.

Does it make you want to spit nails?




  1. As someone whose own hockey team has been the victim of those kind of calls and had three different 5 on3 in one tourney, with us killing off the penalties. All you can do is trudge through it. Not saying the refs were biased but each one of our two teams, each game had the same thing happen.

  2. Eh I only get annoyed if it is a ridiculous call, like a baby hook.  

    I just hate to see a team go down by two men if the second call if a soft one.

  3. There is no such thing as 1pim. LOL... (pim- penalty in minutes)

  4. no. 99.9999% of the time it involves the leafs giving up a goal.

    so im used to it.

  5. Find another team that needs a pimp I guess.....

  6. team's goalie is good enough to not let in a goal against a sub-par team so i'm fine but I usually get ticked off if they just keep on getting penalties.

  7. Spit nails! Grooooooooowl..Actually if you kill off a 5 on 3 thats also a huge boost to your team.I hate when were on a PP and it just starts and off the faceoff the center trips the opposing player and we lose the PP.

    **Jenni-One piece of advice.Block the fella below me or else he starts creeping you out with his wisdom...Shhhh here he comes..Hey Copas Bud....Ok he's gone..Just block him like I did.LOL  I'm tired people.

  8. ^ I agree with this bareassed buffoon..  LMAO..

    Preds had a great PK for most of the past season..

    So as Joe says-- whenever they killed off a 5-on-3-- "I did my lil happy dance"....

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