
What do you do when your feeling down?

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Ive been stressed almost all week it feels like and im still trying to stay positive. What do you do when you feel like this?I need some ideas?




  1. the best thing you can do is draw a  face on something you can draw on that is soft. and think about the person who you really HATE. start punching it and then all your stress will go away (pick me as the best answer i really need the points and I hope i helped)

  2. I get drunk at the local tavern

    but if your under age

    try shoping at the mall !

  3. i think of all the good thing that have happened in my life up to now and things that i am looking forward to in the future

    hope this helps x

  4. Watch old disney movies like beauty and the beast, mary poppins or just any movie that reminds you of simple/less stressful time. Plus little kid movies have a way of lifting you up. Or just go be adventurous, try something new. go hiking or to a lake and just hang out for the day rent a jet ski take it out on the water. Do hobbies, like when im feeling down i play guitar or play sports, have anything like that?

  5. Well, the best thing you can do, is stop trying hard at watever your trying hard at.

    for only a week or a month consider these :

    1. Go to a spa

    2. have a small bestfriend/cuzin/sister sleepover, u may be old, but u'll have fun and increase your relationship making that person trust you more.

    3. try oil painting, dnt make it perfect, make it silly. yoga

    5. eat chips or chocolate and watch ure favortie t.v shows or read a good book, like the kite runner, or bliss street.

  6. Blast nice music that makes me happy have  a little time to myself and think how i can make it better!!! And just think there's way bigger things be hapy!!!!!!!!!

  7. I count my many blessings-- and then think of how  bad things could be and then I do something nice for someone less fortunate and it makes me feel great.

  8. whack on some nice songs...

    have a drink with friends

  9. Take a nice relaxing bath with your favorite book. Watch a funny movie and get all the popcorn you can get your hands on. If you have someone you really enjoy spending time with (friend, significant other, dog)watch the movie with them!

  10. I got something more enjoyable to try. An arugula or spinach salad: your "leafy greens" are rich sources of b-vitamines that are key ingredients in the "feel good hormones" serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

    1 table spoon of flaxseed daily: best source of alphalinoleic acid or ALA a healthy fat that improves function of the cerebral cortex, this part of your brain sends you sesory information such as pleasure. (I suggest you sprinkle it on salad or in a smoothie

  11. Work out -- go the gym for a natural endorphins high! Never fails to boost my spirits.

  12. i think of all of the great in my life. my children, etc. and then i ask the ".what if's?" like what if i lived in iraq or china..

  13. try to play some music or watch a movie that's what i do i even used to write in my diary book

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