
What do you do when your husband is addicted to yahoo Q&A? Its all for fun. I just tease him.?

by Guest56061  |  earlier

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What do you do when your husband is addicted to yahoo Q&A? Its all for fun. I just tease him.?




  1. I'm pretty sure my husband says the same about me.

  2. I'd rather he be addicted to that then to p**n.  

  3. Being a man and slightly addicted to Q&A I would say three things.  First you could try to test him and create an account that he could not pin on you and tempt him or poke at him relentlessly (You Got Mail).  Second, you could make him addicted to you.  You could torture him.  Start vacuuming or house cleaning and forget an article of clothing (unless you have kids)  Either will annoy or arouse him and if it does not work abandon the kids to him and go to the mall or see a movie.

    Other tortures would be call a friend or mom and sit next to him having a conversation.  Ask him about his day and sit way too close.  My wife does both and it does annoy me.  Now, were she to start cleaning and the kids were in bed...

  4. get his attention ;)

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