
What do you do when your husband says he wants a 5th child in 2 years over a text message??

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We have 3 boys and 1 girl and he really wants another girl.

Yesterday we were texting the whole day and this idea was in one of his texts.




  1. Seems to be a communication problem but that is just my opinion dont think something like that should be talked about over text messaging.

  2. Ask yourself what your issue is - is it the text message or is it the fact he wants a fifth kid? Sounds like using the text message is just normal conversation since it went on all day so I'm assuming that can't be the issue. Communication between couples is important regardless if it is over a text message. Now if he asked you for a divorce over text message I would think it was insensitive.

    If the issue is having a fifth kid - tell him first, there is no guarantee it'll be a girl, second, what if it ends up a boy? third, what is wrong - is the current girl not good enough? and fourth, two kids should have been enough and overpopulating the world is socially irresponsible not to mention it'll wear you out. This isn't the Dark Ages when kids died all the time so you needed to have many OR Little House on the Prairie where you needed kids to work the farm. There is no reason to overpopulate the world...there are plenty of children to adopt who desperately need homes and you can pick and choose the gender. Do something less self-centered and more giving.

  3. Text him back with your answer.  Maybe he is just afraid to talk to you about it in person because he is afraid of your reaction.

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