
What do you do when your kids throws a tantrum? i need help!?

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my 7 year old sister has the worst temper and is so lazy. my parents for the most part let her get away with anything, but i dnt. she wont make her bed unless i get on her case, she always yells and doesn't seem to know how to use her inside voice. she cries for EVERYTHING! and quite frankly i am so fed up with it. can anyone help me? she is going to end up giving my parents a heart attack!!! what do you do with your kids or siblings when they act like this?




  1. I used to drag my kids by the ankle into their room and tell them they can come out when they were through..........Never took more than a minute or two

  2. That stinks that your parents dont make her do the things she's supposed to do or disipline her when she's bad. It makes you seem like the bad guy to her for trying to get her to do the right things. Maybe you could have a serious talk with your parents about her? Or maybe have a serious talk with your sister. tell her that you love her very much and that you wish she didnt act like this and wish she'd do better. good luck!

  3. Ignore them and do something fun for yourself. The second that she/he stops the tantrum & only then do you even look at them. The reason she does what she does is to get what she wants and that includes ATTENTION.


    and reward positive behaviors only!

  4. take away something they like or try talking to her whatever you do plz i say plz dont hit her ...

  5. She wants attention and to get her way. If you ignore her and not give in to what ever she is asking she will learn that behavior doesn't work. Your parents need to also get on her case about this. She is WAY to old to be acting like that. If they don't step up she will behave like that for ever (Like Paris Hilton).

  6. Well i worked with a class of seven year olds and three year olds...and well all i can say is always stay in charge and make a time out if your not fond of physical discipline and a stern voice that isn't yelling can do the trick. if she cries for things don't give it to her so she learns the that crying it's gonna get it for her. and tell your parents that there the parents. about time out a chair or a corner will work if she in the chair she can't touch anything and just sit there with her hand to her self if the coner is better she should stand with arms out to the sides or hands on head for as long as you want i doesn't have to be seven min i go by the action me me and my mother in law had the worst class of 3 yr olds cursing kissing do what i wanna do class now there a bunch of angels sware to jesus and the seven year old omg you tell one to stop and the other one does it ....yo they were always the class not out side playin cuz they wanna do what they wanna do..and a reward when there good works to.

  7. she does that becuz she knows that ur parents will jump for her and she know that it will work they need to let her cry or whatever she does and ignore her and you keep doing what u do. she will get over it. oh yes and do reward her for good behavior.

  8. well since you are not the parent figure you really can't resort to disapline unless you are babysitting. Say you cannot act like that when I am in charge while mom and dad are gone and if you do you will get a time out in the corner or sit at a chair for 7 minutes without any fun time. Tell her if she behaves and listens to you that you guys will have fun time to do an activity together....something fun that she would like to do. Like play her favorite board game with her or something like that.  If it continues to be a problem when your parents are around try talking to them about her behavior and say that it's bothering you about her behavior...and see what they's up the parents to get get to behave. Watch Supernanny on ABC on Wednesday nights to get more ideas!

  9. You're not the parent here so back off.  Stop trying to be the parent.  If your parents don't want to do their job and raise your sister that is their problem not your's...if she gives them a heart attack so be it.

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