
What do you do when your married but bord with your life??

by  |  earlier

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For 14 years I've been married but I feel stuck in the same routine. I try to get my husband to go out and do different thing but he is so boring. All he like is casino's. Can a 35 year old man change his ways?




  1. I hope you are in love cause that's as good as it gets.I lived with a man that only wanted to go to the CASINO'S.Didn't want to do anything.And i tried to get him to go to other places.He would say I should support my man.So i started going and going without him.Yeah you want your partner to be with you but you lose out.And time doesn't stand still until he decides to wake up and see the world.Needless to say we are not together.Try telling him to be fair there are other states that have nice casinos.This way you  get to see the world.

  2. you can't make the man change.. that is his interest.

    Do something with him that interest him, get involved.. then maybe he will get into something you enjoy..

    its give and take.

    of course it feels routine, you are with the same person all the time, spice it up.

  3. you can go places by yourself and meet strange men with strange diseases or go to church, sing and pray and meet fine folks

  4. You can't change him. Only he can do that. And he will need inspiration to do so. I have found that looking for fault in the other person never gets anywhere. See what it is about you that you can change and watch him. It's amazing what that does.  

  5. wow i dont noe go to a couple psychiatrist or someting  

  6. My gosh after all this time he only wants to go to the casinos??  Chances are he's not winning a ton of why does he waste his time there?  Your husband is probably stuck in his ways but I do think he can change.  First, find out if he's spending too much money at the casinos and if so, does he have a gambling problem?  I would see what the reason is behind him only wanting to go to the casinos.  Marriage is not just about him but about you.  Tell him that you're going to the game, whatever it is, without him.  Keep doing it until he finally kicks in and realizes how much you're gone.  Hopefully he'll change his ways.  Good luck!!

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