
What do you do when your parents are fighting ?

by  |  earlier

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well my parents are not talking and my dad just left the house to go to work and didn't even say bye to anyone, i want to talk to them

but what do i say?

someone plz help




  1. Sometimes you have to understand that adults fight just like if you have a boyfriend you and him might fight. Its hard to look at your parents that way  because you're their child, but they had a relationship even before you came around, and they might need their own personal space to be frustrated and sort/work things out. And it might not be the best thing for you to get involved,but if your bothered by it then you should let them know that you would appreciate it if they didn't fight around you, because then it does involve you.

  2. Try and sit down with them and ask why all the fighting, because it's making you very upset.

  3. which ever parent you are closer with ask her/him if you two can talk in private. when you guys talk just tell them everything that is on your mind and just say its making you worry and you would like to know what is going on.

    i hope everything works out ok :)

    hope this helped a little

  4. none of ur bees wax

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