
What do you do when your self-esteem is low????

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Lol HRH Shim............




  1. cooking

  2. Find a distraction, preferably of the female type.

  3. find a guy and go on a great date without any guilt or commitment,, just for the sake of having fun and free my mind,

    if not, i'll run my brains out at the gym..  

  4. just look down at my shoe.. and thinking, OMG! OMG! what im gonna do???

    PEACE =D

  5. Aiyaa..! Why do you have to ask..??!

    My self-esteem is at its all-time low this past month or so.

    What do I do? I do my hair, nails, make-up, put on nice clothes. I know that's superficial, but one feels good when one looks good.

    I exercise..*fingers crossed*...hopefully, I'll have hot bod as well! (chances are!)

    I go out (flaunt my 'hard work'- hair, nails, clothes and such!).. actually only to the supermarket to do my shopping! It's still better than staying home wallowing in self-pity.

    I Y!AM and thanks to you for the Best Answers. They make my day.

    However a low self-esteem is much more than just having a lousy day or looking good. Mine came from years of feeling unlovable and rejections. Every now and then it would pop up and disrupt my life for awhile. So I constantly remind myself that it's not all my fault, it's their loss, I'm great, life's too short...blah...blah...blah...!


    Wearing a Chi Pendant. Supposed to emit positive energy!!

  6. I think about other people who have less than what I have yet are contented and happy with their lot.  That will open my eyes to the truth - I can't be wallowing in self-pity because I am feeling low or dejected or that my ego has been hurt/bruised.  There are others who have less, who are less than me yet do not allow deprivation to mar their life or their life's journey on earth.

  7. when my self-esteem is low, i usually visit Y!AM. this place is full of losers... so, when interact with losers, i can feel that i'm really blessed because i'm not like them. that's a morale booster when you count your blessings.  

  8. I put on something i really like, i do my hair &makeup, get my fingers and toes done buy new shoes go to starbucks get a nice coffee than i buy a nice bottle of wine drink the whole thing and sleep the next day i feel better and if i don't i do it all over again.. i have over 150 pairs of shoes in the last year.. i get feeling low alot

  9. You make conversation with people and get involved in activies. As time passes, you accomplish certain things and obtain friends. This will help the image you have of yourself.

    If the people around you don't help you be a better version of yourself, cut them loose and just worry about accomplishing your goals. Responsibility is a good way of building your self esteem.

  10. I shop more !

  11. i just recall all the previous blessings that came to my life.


    HRH Shim -  thumbs up to u lah, lol!

  12. nothing, just let it go as time pass by

  13. I tend to tidy the house when i'm feeling down haha...

  14. i go on a shopping spree and use up all my allowance for the month.  i splurge on my fav things, the Gucci bag  i been longing for the past week, the eau de parfum that my mother did not allow me to buy because she say it is too adult.  afterwards my dad will not give me allowance for my car fuel for 1 week, lol!  after that i am well again and my self esteem is restore especially when my classmates smell my sophisticated perfume ehehhe

  15. try to make it high..kui.kui.kui

  16. eat a lot of ice-cream !  

  17. Pray to god that I don't turn to become Jedi.

  18. count your blessings and be thankful to Him...and recite Alam Nashrah from the Quran as tat explains the ups and downs of life...

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