
What do you do when your sister is self center and you want to change it before school starts ?

by  |  earlier

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i know you cant change a person but now its gotten so big she gets into fights everyday with others over stupid things . she will be a freshmen and I'm worried that bad things will happen if she don't change and I'm wondering if there is something i can say or do to help her




  1. nope . u cant do anything. as hard as u try she is prob not gonna listen. she will learn form her own mistakes and realize at some point ( hopefully before it is too late) that she has mad a mistake.  

  2. It's good of you to worry about her, but she might have to learn the hard way. Like you said, it's impossible to change a person unless they want to change.

    In the meantime, don't allow her to pull the attention to herself all the time. That doesn't mean fight her, it means ignore her attempts. For instance, if she tries to shrug off something important you are saying - then starts talking about herself - don't just let her. Stare at her. Then continue with what you were talking about.

    Being self-centered usually means you are insecure. So try to find ways to make her feel good about herself without letting her steal all the attention.

  3. You can talk to her and express your feelings and concerns,but thats about all you can do. She will have to learn from her own mistakes. You can be a good sister tho and if she needs your advice sometime, be there for her. Otherwise let her learn on her own.

  4. try getting her on the nest season of queen bees

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