
What do you do when your stomach hurts?

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What do you do when your stomach hurts?




  1. I take some pepto bismol or some other stomach medicine depending on the problem, wrap my arms around my tummy and sit and rock back and forth :-)

  2. if your stomach hurts it means that you are so hungry or you really got to go to the bathroom.

  3. ddrink water or

    go to the washroom or

    or take aceh pills

  4. it all depends on the reason it is hurting

  5. go take a rather large toilet trip always helps

  6. take tums

  7. eat a saltine cracker and drink coke...

    i dont know why that helps, but it does.

  8. I go to this site for home remedies

  9. Drink some water.

  10. take tums or just what it out

  11. I go to the loo.

    Go to my mum and ask if it has anything too do with starting my period - if it aches LOADS !

    go too sleep for abit.

  12. try drinking some ginger ale, it'll settle your stomach. You can try maybe eating a little something..maybe youre hungry. Maybe you gotta go to the bathroom, or you just have gas or something. Feel better<3

  13. first eat if thts not it go to the bathroom then if not ....take 2 tablets of either of advil or workss!!!  

  14. i go to the doctor

  15. Drink some water or take some painkillers tablets.

    Please answer. :);...  

  16. Well, usually when my stomach hurts its really cold so I hug a pillow and it stops hurting =) but if it hurts really bad then you should probably go to the RR or you're on your period

  17. Try taking asprin or ibuprophen. Or use a hot water bottle, take a bath, or rest.  

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