
What do you do when your younger sibling disrespects you on a daily basis?

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Im not sure what it is, or what Ive done to her in the past, but it seems my younger sister is constantly disrespecting me. I used to be able to joke around with her all the time. Now when I joke around with her, she becomes hostile, and YELLS, and strikes me. No its not painful, lol. But Its total disrespect. SHe is 16, so cant blame her behavior on her age.

Ive tried talking to her, but she never seems to want to talk. Its like a good girl gone bad or something.

I never laid a hand on her, and nor do i intend to. But what should I do??? ANy advice would be nice!!!




  1. She's a teenager.  Of course her change in attitude has to do with her age.  Her body is packed full of raging hormones and her life is changing rapidly - she's stressed and confused, and therefore gets unreasonably angry sometimes.  Have a little sympathy.  

    What you see as "joking around" probably seems like teasing or insults to her, so back off.  Try being nice to her, complimenting her, asking her to share her feelings or thoughts.  If she hits you, simply grab her arms so that she can't hit you, tell her that violence is never a good solution, and set a good example by simply walking away from the fight.

  2. Her hormones are in an uproar! Just ignore her drama, she will eventually grow up!

  3.   maybe its not that you've done anything.wrong that you know of, but heres a thought....apparently, she sees you different now than before......maybe, she thinks you still think of her as that little girl(it might make her think that your disrespecting her when you kid like you use to- get it)


  4. its time to pick her up and say, hey little ****, cut it else you're pissing me or, next time it'll be you're head, shell get the message

  5. The silent treatment works wonders - just completely ignore her.  Once her behaviour improves, you can talk about doing stuff together, if you want.

  6. She is growing up, and trying to prove she can do whatever she wants. it is just a stage. wait it out, and IGNORE her, if you ignore she may stop.

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