My parents have a couple of parrots, one of whom is Percy an African Grey who we think is around 14 (we were told he was 3 when we got him), Percy has always been a very nervous bird and will only show affection to my dad.
Anyway for around the last 3 years Percy has constantly pulled his feathers out from around his neck, we have had vets out, bird people and noone can tell my parents what to do about it, does anyone know what to do with a stressed parrot to try and make them happier ?
Yesterday they found him asleep on the bottom of his cage, which he has never done before and they mentioned that he keeps falling off his perch, however I found out last night that my brother bought him a new perch while my parents were away as he had chewed his last one till there was nearly nothing left, I told them to put it back and touch wood he has seemed ok since it was put back in, singing away happily etc.
Does this behaviour seem familiar to anyone with experience and do you have advice ?