
What do you do with aboyfriend of 16 years that does not want anything to do with you intimately anymore?

by Guest59446  |  earlier

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What do you do with aboyfriend of 16 years that does not want anything to do with you intimately anymore?




  1. Well, you can sit him down and flat out ask him why he doesn't want to be intimate with you anymore.  But, honestly.. it sounds like he's either bored with you.. or he's getting it elsewhere.  Sometimes, when you're in a long relationship things get boring.  He may love you (which is why he hasn't ended it).. but he is out finding stimulation elsewhere.  If he isn't willing to make a change in this department.. Leave him alone.

    The bigger picture here is "WHY IS HE STILL YOUR BOYFRIEND AND NOT YOUR HUSBAND AFTER 16 YEARS".  Think about it..  

  2. time to move on and find someone that with fulfill your needs

  3. Boyfriend of 16 years !    Most marriages don't even last this long, time to move on and quit wasting your time. It's over!

  4. a BOYFRIEND of 16 YEARS????  holy c**p...that would have ended 12 years ago if no marriage came out of it....

    he's bored.  i suggest you tell him you are leaving.  then, you leave.  that's it.

  5. take a hint...he's gettin' it elsewhere!!!!!

  6. Dump him. Find out if you turned him. If it happens again, then you'll know.

  7. then dump him the fun has ended

  8. You leave him.

  9. Dump his A S S

  10. theres nothing u can do,it usually means he has  another love interest, and all u can do is accept it and turn him loose. u can't stop it because we all have free will,there is always unfairness, hurts,and always will be, there is no answer to it, but take care of u,if u have to seek therapy do it. but don't keep investing in someone who has disrespected u.he has someone else.

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