
What do you do with stray cats or kittens around your house?

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My family loves animals. But it just gets to a point where we can't take care of so many of them. We started feeding a small cat because it was looking for food and looked really hungry. Hard not to do anything about that. But next to thing we knew there were more cats. And now they're bringing their kittens in too.

I don't mind the kittens around if they grow up in a few months and then leave when the mother sends them away. But wouldn't they come back anyway where they expect to be fed? I'm thinking of just avoiding them and not encouraging the mothers to put them in our yard. It's enough that we feed a few hungry cats, you know?

There is no animal shelter around here. They have no shots. I know we probably shouldn't have started this in the first place, but that's done now. What do you recommend we do?





  1. Yes it's a big problem. They have to be caught by installing cages that are supplied by the Municipality where you live. I would advise you contact them to find out what they have program wise. You won't be able to do it on your own

  2. If you take them to the Humane Society, they fix them and give them their shots before putting them up for adoption.

  3. i am having the very same problem with my next door neighbors cat it just has this thing about going in anyone house i no longer leave my windows open at the back because it keeps getting in and i know the woman on the other side doesn't open her back door anymore because she is scared of cats.

    We bought a sand pit for our daughters birthday and the very next day their cat pooped in it and now it thinks its a giant p**p box. but the thing is i cant go pout and cover it now coz the cat got in our house and left bloody fleas so I'm trying to get rid of them and don't want to open the door for the cat to get back in.

    e have already spoke to our neighbor who seems to think its funny that her cat thinks it can go anywhere it likes. we don't have pets because my daughter has got acute asthma and pets can set of an attack. so please anything new you find could you please let me know.

    thank you

  4. Donate them to people. If they are friendly enough, ask around, people love cats of all ages. Make sure to tell them they need shots and a check up basically.

    I did that back where I used to live, I lived on acrege though, we now live in a neighborhood 1-2 miles away. My grandma finds newborn kittens all the time, she just raises them up healthy and gives them away. At one point we had over 65 cats and kittens. There was that many, then we started to neuter older cats. So the amount lessened.

    Try giving them away or making people buy them. It works. I hope my info helped, if not sorry. (:

  5. Wow, you've got a potentially large problem, there. I think you should try to find a rescue organization, even if you have to contact one outside your area, and get the cats picked up and taken to where they can be cared for. You might also try posting about them on a message board in your area.

  6. if you haven't already, try giving them away as a family, cause there has to be a crazy cat lady in every neighborhood ;) but if that doesn't work try driving them to a local petco, pet'smart, pet store and give them to them first but before that you should probally take them too a local veternarian  and ask if they can do anything with them, shotswise, for free. or if you wanna keep one or two for your own comfort :)  

  7. It may cost more money than you can afford, but I'd try to spay and neuter them.

    There has to be a shelter someplace in your area (even if it's an hour or so  away).

    Sign up for the PetFinder Message Board and see if anyone has some suggestions  

  8. Toga party !!!!!!

    toga toga toga toga toga

  9. I guess maybe you could advertise about them and try to find them homes. If you don't want to do that, as hard as it might be, you probably should just ignore them and hope that they move on if they aren't getting food from you.

  10. Get a dog, a big dog!!!!

  11. if the mom comes inside, let her keep them inside till there old enough. then find homes for them. do not throw them on the street! it will only make more stay cats. keep the mom, and get her spayed

  12. You could rent a cage/trap and try to catch them and if there is a farmer close by he may accept them as barn cats? My uncle had a farm and he always did that. It kept the mice/rats down in the barns.

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