
What do you do with the stuff you have that's not garbage, but it's not giveaway stuff?

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I'm cleaning my room and I'm stuck. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it??




  1. There are really only 5 things you can do with things you don't want. Store them, sell them, give them away, throw them away or put them in the recycling bin if they qualify for that. Only you can decide which things fall into those categories. Some people might give away things that someone else would donate to charity, and other people would throw away those things. You'll have to decide for yourself what's best to do with the stuff.

  2. It depends what you have. Old paper items can go in the recycling pile. Old clothes, purses, athletic equipment, etc. can go to the Salvation Army or Goodwill *unless* the items are stained, torn, or broken, in which case you should throw them out. (Too many people use charities like Goodwill as "guilt-free" garbage heaps, thinking that they're somehow being virtuous and environmentally responsible by not throwing things away. But donating unusable items to a charity actually costs the charity time and money to sort through and throw out the unusable junk, so doing so is actually less responsible than tossing the stuff yourself.)

    Popular things like working electronics, artwork, picture frames, and CDs can go to Goodwill too, but don't send them things like figurines and action figures - they don't have the room to store let alone sell all the tchotchkes they get. Sell these on eBay.

    The number one thing you want to donate to charity are clean, well-kept up clothes or shoes that you don't fit into any more or don't like because they're not in style. There are a lot of hard-working people out there who can't afford new clothes for their kids or for themselves because they can't earn enough to buy them; clothes in good condition can be a literal godsend.

  3. well, i'm not sure where you live, but there is a website called "freecycle" in canada (not sure if it is in the states) and you post what you have, and people will let you know if they are's actually through yahoo, and you receive notices in your email. they will contact you, and they come and pick it up. you just have to sign up for the freecycle group in your area. i'm sure there are more websites like this around. just google it and find one in your area. that way, you are keeping things out of landfills, and other people who have a use for stuff that you might have just tossed, get the benefit of getting it for free! (people take all sorts of stuff...i just got rid of a downy ball yesterday!!)

  4. What do u mean " not give away stuff????


    just put it in a box in the garage....

  5. Put it in a box, lable and date it, if after 1 year you still haven't missed it.  Bring it to a second hand store!

  6. I do what nm suggested. Put it in a box or a tub with a lid, stick a list of what's in there on the side and put it into storage in the garage, roof cavity, under your bed, in a cupboard - wherever you have some space. I found a kind of flat plastic tub with wheels, designed for fitting under beds at one of those discount shops, which would probably suit your needs.

    In a year, go through it again. You'll probably find that you don't really care about at least half the contents anymore or you don't need to keep them anymore.

    Also, take a long hard look at this stuff. How long has it been since you used it or made the most of it. Let go of sentimentality for a second and decide whether you truly need it or not.

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