
What do you do with those ANNOYING magazine inserts??

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What do you do with inserts that fall out of magazines? I read Shape magazine and there are normally about 5 or 6 inserts in a single issue!! I send them back with "Stop wasting paper! Your killing trees!!" I mean that way they pay the postage and I am letting them know how I feel about it.

I am a green freak... and I just want to know what everyone else has come up with to do with those ANNOYING inserts.

I'll give best answer to whoever comes up with the best 'green' answer!




  1. I don't buy or read magazine that way I am not encouraging them to print magazines which also waste paper.

    Save a tree and stop buying magazines.

  2. If you are that concerned about paper, stop taking the magazine. They use a lot more paper making the magazine than they do making the inserts.

  3. For marketing purposes, which means its all about the money. Corporations dont give a f*ck. They just want money.

    Everything good is green :D

  4. I agree with catso, tell them you're going to stop buying the magazine,

    then see if they have a web site and read the articles you're interested in there.  

  5. Best option: stop taking the magazines, read them online. Their website should have all the same content.

    2nd best option: In the recycling bin they go.

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