
What do you do with your arms ??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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when dancing to music like.... dance music at a bar or club.

or when dancing to techno

can someone point me towards a video that i can look at so i can see ??

or explain what to do

or go on webcam

or make a youtube

or just point me towards a video

PLEASE i a begging !

10 point - no one ever finds me anything good :(




  1. well u usually have ur arms in the air waving around but not ridiculously lol or mess with ur hair a bit or mess with ur guys hair or just have ur arms around his neck or at ur side even just keep moving them :)

  2. move ur arm up..

    look at this link

  3. Isn't that what drinks are for?

  4. you usually just like play with your hair or on the guys hand if its on your waist or just in the air but dont make it so stiff.

    just play around with it.

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