
What do you do with your dog?

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I have an agility centre where shows and competitions are held near where I live. It is open to the public when not used, so my three get to use all the agility obstacles and attend some obedience or playful schutzhund classes held there. I live in an apartment, so this arrangement can't be more perfect for three large dogs to burn off their energy and play with other doggies :D

What do you all do with your dogs?




  1. I take my boxer for a minimum of two walks a day. In the evenings I walk him to a local baseball field that isn't regularly used by my community and we play fetch until the sun goes down. He loves it.

  2. Walks every week day.

    Flyball on Friday nights.

    Hikes in the woods on the weekends.

    Trips to PetSmart when the weather is not conducive to hiking.

    Playdates with my sister's dogs in her large, fenced yard.

  3. There is a huge dog beach near where I live so I take my dogs there often. They love to run all over, they are always exhausted when we get home!

  4. I do some basic obedience and agility with our APBT as well as tracking exercises which he loves. He also has a spring pole so he plays with that a lot. Our miniature Schnauzer just likes playing fetch. It's what he wants to do all day and everyday. They also get a minimum of 2 walks a day of about 45min-1 hour.

  5. Max is not very friendly with other dogs, so we don't take him out to parks and such. But he burns off plenty of energy playing with his spring pole, chasing the basketball/vollyball/soccerball/whatever ball that he hasnt popped yet. And Penny has a blast chasing him while he plays with his toys

  6. Bikeriding, running, swimming, walking, training/obedience, car rides, beach, games, cafes, socialising, sleep, work and hangout.

    What dont I do with my dog?

    He's my best mate and I love having him around!

  7. There is a dog park in our town of Derry, NH.  It is basically an enclosed sandlot with a chain-link fence around it and lots of loose dogs.  They love it, and by the time they get home, they are tired and had a blast.

    Other than  that, one of our dogs just doesn't stop running around (a jack russell terrier), so he'll play fetch and tug-of-war indoors for hours if you let him.

  8. my lhasa apso puppy pebbles gets to the beach at least 3 times a week where she is left off the lead, i have a very large garden which she roams about it and when bored of that shes zooming up and down my stair cases at top speed,  shes with me on my daily routine so it varies, we cuddle, groom, kick ball about, i have a paddling pool for her to, also i have a water pistol which i chase her around with, she tries to outsmarten me but i always get her soaked, and we go to the pet shop prob every second day for a toy coz its beside the beach aND ITS FUNNY TO see her whining coz other ppl are squeeking toys to test them and shes up on her hind legs trying to get the toys,right now shes lying on top of 4 pillows pilled up so is the same hight as my sitting down. shes sleeeping and once i have recievesd a call we are going out to play

  9. my dogs work their butts off and they love it.

    I have a Rottweiler,a Pitt Bull a mini Dachshund,a Chihuahua/terrier mix and a Rat terrier.

    My dogs all do agility and obedience. They also do tracking. four of my dogs are therapy dogs and two are search and rescue dogs.

    They also have play dates at their"Grandma's" My mom has four dogs of her own and they like to go there and play. And I have cats that  to my dogs make the best toy's in all the world.

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