
What do you do with your dog when he moves on?

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I have an older Lab mix and he's slowing down (well for a Lab anyway) and the thought crossed my mind; What will I do with him when he passes away? I'm not one of those people that will pay thousands for a pet cemetery or any weirdo treat my dog like a human funeral processions. Basically would just like to when the time comes, lay an old friend to rest. So are you allowed to bury your dog in the back deep should you go etc?




  1. Possibly 2-3 feet deep and invite some friends over when you buriy him.

    that sound nice.

  2. I live in the UK and I buried my dog in the garden. She is down about three feet and she was wrapped in her blanky..I find it a comfort that she is there....

  3. Well because he's big that will be hard!

    When my cat died, i put her in my best shoe bo, and lined it with my fav dolce scarf ..

    and buried her in the garden ..

    I ad to get really deep 'cz we get foxes and stuff, and we were scared they, or our dog would dig her up ..

    then we put some slate on top ..

    to stop other animals managing to dig her up  .. and i engraved her name on it :(

    I miss her.

    Sorry about your dog, hope he manages to keep going on for as long aspossible.  

  4. i think it's fine. but it depends on which state you live in. just don't go bragging about it because theres a 20% chance you can get arrested :] lol.. but just dig maybe 3-4 or even 5 feet deep. also make sure you put him in a wooden box because theres no point in waisting money on something that will decay anyways. make sure the width of the box has enough room for maybe 2 inches around the box. cover it up with grass and extra dirt. sorry about your lab.

    good luck  

  5. I would firstly ask a veterinarian or someone with experience with that kind of stuff. If you bury him in your backyard I would dig at least a yard down (3ft.) so the dog is not accidentally found by another family if you decide to move out.

  6. I have my dogs cremated, then scatter their ashes in their favorite places.

    I haven't been so great with that lately though.  I lost 2 dogs in the past year and I still have their ashes...I used to live near lake Tahoe and they both loved the Lake/Mountains so much, that I want to wait until my next trip there to scatter them.

    RIP Hirsh, my beloved Chocolate Lab that I lost in Feb at 13 1/2 and RIP Jack, my Aussie that was only 3 1/2.

  7. I buried my dog in the backyard. I dont think there is a law against this I would go down at least 5ft

  8. I've known owners who do bury loved pets in the back yard. Deep, at least four feet to make sure you don't attract scavengers or, heaven forbid, other dogs.  Unfortunately I think it's illegal in some places.  In that case, I'd suggest cremation.  If you want you can tell your vet you want the ashes back, or not.  Cremation for a lab-sized dog costs 2-300 dollars.

  9. There are a lot of cities where burying your animals on your land is prohibited.  You would have to check the by-laws for your area to see if you were able, how deep he would have to be buried and other important facts.

    If you are able, it is important to remember that burying your dog is a really emotionally difficult thing.  You may want to consider another method, such as a cremation service.  Your vet would be able to recommend one.

    I'm sorry to hear of your impending loss.  Stay strong!

  10. I've had all my dogs cremated after they die. It is not weird at all. Dogs are a member of the family, and deserve a proper burial.

  11. it doesn't cost thousands of dollars to have him go to a pet cemetary, i'd say no more than 200 bucks. when our dog died we had her cremated and it only cost about $250.00. yeah, you could bury your dog in the yard but i would call dig safe first to make sure you don't hit any buried utility pipes or lines. i also suggest to buy some lime to throw in the hole with him because it is going to smell really bad if you don't go down deep enough. you will probably want him under at least 5-6 feet of dirt. good luck!  

  12. back yard for a dog would be fine, 1 - 2 meters or so...  

  13. Check with your local Humane Society.  Suspect that they will be able to give you what you are looking for.

  14. I will always get my dog creamated, never buried.

  15. hm..ur dog's not dead u can start preparing...  

  16. we have always buried our pets in our yard.  

  17. It depends where you live, some places it's not allowed, so you would have to get in touch with your local council and check what there regulations are.

    Cremation doesn't cost a lot of money, you could ask at the vets what they charge.

    I had my Lab cremated and have her ashes in a little urn, I find comfort in knowing that she's close by.

  18. Some states it's against the law to bury an animal in a back yard. I have my pets cremated. There is nothing wrong with having the dog cremated and it's not costly at all. Then you can ether bury the ashes in your yard or keep them. People are not weirdos for having there beloved pets buried in a pet cemetery.

  19. i think most people bury their dogs in their gardens. id dig as deep as you can, and put a big flat stone over the top because while this sounds horrible, but on occasion, dead pets can be dug up by things like foxes. and you dont want your dog making a 'reappearance'

  20. i have

  21. move up with him

  22. In many areas, burying your dog in your yard is illegal. You have to check local laws. I suggest cremation. We did that and now Pogo is in a beautiful box, that is locked, in the living room.  

  23. Bury him in your backyard.

  24. put him in the ground

  25. all my pets a re burried in my back yard lol. I just dug a whole big enough to fully cover them with dirt by about a foot.

    You can also get them creamated for a fee of course.  

  26. I burried my beloved Jack in the back yard. i kept his collar though.

    s to be deep enough so the rain wont wash it up, and so nothing will dig it up.

  27. I had my dog cremated. Her ashes are in a $20 doggy memorial by my bed.

  28. In some areas burying your pet in your yard is prohibited, you'll have to find out what the laws are specifically.  Or when the time comes, you can have her cremated, most vets offer this service.  You can save his ashes in a nice urn, tin or box.  Here's hoping you have many more years with your friend.

  29. When my friend's dog died, we took her to a crematory and had her ashes put into a pretty urn. Then she buried the urn in her backyard about a yardstick deep.

      When my dog died, we got him cremated and then we spread the ashes in one of his favorite spots under the rose bushes.

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