
What do you do with your old school stuff when you're preparing for a new one?

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do you throw away your old pencilcase or use it again? all the junk in ur backpack, the used notebooks and all that stuff, do you keep it, throw it away, reuse it, or replace it?

i've got a heck of a mess from last years school c**p. a pile of paper, an old backpack, a pencilcase. i have like three pencilcases full of junk. what do i do with them?

help! i dont want to be this messy. (:




  1. you won't need any books so chuck them, you could probably won't need a note pad so chuck that, you could still keep some of the stuff in your pencil case though so keep that, and you could always do with a spare backpack believe me.

  2. Convince a friend to sort it into toss, give, and keep piles. It's much easier for someone else to do this with your stuff. And you'd be pretty good at doing it for a friend, too. The brain circuits are wired in odd ways when it's your own stuff, just as you aren't as rational with your own family members as you are with other people.

  3. Either use them again, or give them away.  At the end of the school year, my schools always had a bin for underprivileged children.

  4. You should keep what looks usable and recycle the rest!

  5. Ok!  Look at your stuff and ask yourself, "Hey, do I really need this?  Are any of these old papers worth keeping?  Will I really reuse this?"  The condition of an item determines whether you'd want to reuse it or not.  If it's in bad shape, you probably don't want to use it anymore. So sort through and throw away or recycle the unessentials.  Then dig through those pencil cases and keep the usable.  Also, if there is usuable stuff you do not either want nor need, give it away, donate it.  Throwing the useful may be wasteful...

    Then whatever you need, you can replace!  (Kind of obvious...)   Hope this Helps! :D

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