
What do you drink while horseback riding?

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Maddy S - If it's not very hot out, only like 20 degrees I just bring water or gatorade and drink it after. I usually get too wrapped up in the horse so I don't take water breaks unless it's extremely hot out.




  1. i always just take a water- it helps when im riding to hold it in one of my hands while riding with a swivel shank because when i get into the show ring it helps me to remember not to touch the reins with two hands.

  2. I'll drink mostly anything while I'm riding, but most of the time I go with Gatorade, Powerade, Propel, vitamin Water, Regular Water, or Flavored Water.

    Fizzy drinks like coke, pepsi, mt. dew, etc... usually give me a stomach ache if I drink them when I ride, so I avoid those.

    If you plan on taking a can of pop make sure your horse isn't going to spook when you open it.

  3. for me-buckets of kool-aid

    my horse-watermelon! its not the same as water, but on a long ride you can carry it with you in a bag.  It really helps hydrate your horse. =]

  4. Water is really the best bet. It hydrates you and doesn't taste bad. It doesn't get sticky if it spills on you or your horse. It's also cheap!

    Hope I helped!

    ~With Love

  5. At the moment gallons of Rescue Remedy. My little spotty horse isn't into being ridden much yet!

  6. wow i've drank a lotta different stuff while riding.. mostly




    ~vitamin water

    they have all kept me hydrated, and the energy drinks made it even better because when i got tired, i wouldn't show it.

    hope i helped :)

  7. water, Gatorade, or sometimes i mix half and half.

    an energy bar and carrots! lol

    : D

  8. Lots of water or Gatorade :) along with some biscuits if im going for a long ride........but normally i forget lol

  9. Water works just finne for me the other energy drinks just make me really hyper.

  10. I know this goes for others too, but sometimes i am too wrapped up in the horse that i forget about myself. lol.

    when i wash my horse on a hot day, and actually remember im thirsty, both me and my horse drink straight from the hose.


    was your comment in a nice or nasty way? i cant really tell. sorry if i sound rude or anything.

  11. Usually I don't drink anything till we've finished. If it's an especially hot day or a long ride then we may take a bottle of water or Sprite with us for a quick gulp on the way.

  12. water, it hydrates you and you can share with your thirsty horse and it will hydrate him/her too!

  13. I drink water, soda, Gatorade cause it keeps you hydrated and cool. But most of the time I have to untack, groom, and let Rocky or G loose in there stall.

  14. Always Squash

    Water Doesn't Quench My Thirst

    If I Have Fizzy Drinks Im Just Burping When Im Riding Lol

  15. I have an old leather covered canteen in which I normally put water in about 1/2 way leave the cap off and throw it in the freezer overnight.  Then fill the rest of the way with my favorite beverage, water, cola, San Pellegrino, etc.

    Then I hang it off my saddle horn and it's there when I get thirsty.

  16. Squash or water is what I used to drink.  Cannot ride any more because of ill health.

  17. water, or propel.....something me and my horse can share...

  18. Gatorade or Water.

    Nothing carbonated or very sugary. The gatorade I drink is the powdered kind I mix at home-and I dilute it big time in order to keep it just a bit less sugary and more watery. Usually though, I just take a bottle of water and maybe put a slice of lemon in it.

    Sugary things just tend to make my mouth sticky, especially if I'm getting a good workout. Carbonated things make me burpy, so I'll pass on that while riding. Just something to honestly quench my thirst is what works best, and that would be water.

  19. water from the creek if were on a trail ride, if we cross one. in the arena, im too wrapped up in the horse that i dont drink until after ive groomed, untacked, and put my horse back in the field. i drink water from the hose, it tastes very sweet.

  20. If it's really hot I bring a water bottle for me and a bucket of water for my horse. If my horse won't need to drink, I bring Propel or Gatorade

  21. water. it is th best drink for sports and such. dont drink pop cause you'll et cramps.

  22. Typically water if I am out for a long ride, but sometimes I will bring a can or two of beer.

  23. I drink water=]

  24. There's this drink that one of our boarders brings to the barn. It's just water, mixed with tang that's got electrolytes in it.

    Really hydrating, even after having near nothing to drink all day.

  25. no can or unless your horse is broke to that cause wen u snap the yea i just drink bottled water but i can letgo of the reins and he is the best horse but wen i kick hem he halls it.sooooooo ya bottled water,gatorade,anything in a bottle!!!

                                               I I


  26. ... I actually don't drink anything.

  27. Mainly just good old water or orange squash, but if I need an extra kick, then it has to be " Red bull " (I love it ).

  28. i drink water, propel, and vitamin water.

    i dont drink gatorade because its sticky and fruit juicy and makes me sick if i do something active right after.

    water is really the best since it has no calories and can really hydrate you. also it is good for your body and good for your hair lol :]


    dont drink energy drinks. they are just bad for you. period. especially when riding.

  29. Water usually, it keeps you hydrated and is easy to carry around in a bag until you need it (Milk for example spoils). Sometimes I'l have flavored water or juice if I forget water and that's all that I can find.

  30. Water

  31. water. i know thats not very original, but if you drink somthing sweeter like pop you will just get more thirsty. hope that helps.

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