
What do you eat everyday?

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What do you usually eat everyday and how much of it? I'm just curious and I would like to know your age.




  1. breafast: yogurt, toast, strawberries, or oatmeal, apple with peanut butter on it

    lunch: half a turkey sandwich, a handful of grapes,glass of applejuice

    dinner: chicken breast, rice

    snacks throughout the day: milk, almonds, cheese sticks

  2. pops(breakfast) alot of it

    fruit,veggies(lunch) TONs

    any thing that my mom makes(dinner) not to much

    im 15 and i drink tons on milk and water!

    i weigh 140pounds and im 5"3 and skinny lol

  3. I eat oatmeal and fruits for breakfast.

    Then I eat a peanut butter butter sandwich for lunch

    For dinner, I have some fish with rice.


  4. ---> As I'm building muscle mass currently, this is what my diet looks like<---:

    Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, 1 sunny side-up egg with yolk on wheat bread, oatmeal, and an orange

    Snack: 2 baked potatoes and some trail mix with a scoop of Whey protein

    Lunch: Turkey sandwich with mustard and tomatoes on wheat bread, and some fruit

    Pre-Workout Meal: Oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites, Ensure (protein drink), fruit, and a multivitamin

    Post-Workout Meal: Scoop of Whey protein, avocado sandwich on wheat bread, with various vegetables, and a banana separately

    Dinner:Brown rice with skinless chicken, a baked potato, and fruit

    ---> If I were trying to lose fat my diet would typically look like <---:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal and a boiled egg, with an orange on the side

    Snack: Some yogurt with a glass of V8

    Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes and mustard

    Snack: Apple, with all natural peanut butter

    Dinner: Lean chicken and vegetables

    ---> In either diet I am constantly drinking water throughout the day.  I am age 15 years old <---.

    Best of luck!

  5. i eat p***y, aardvarks and babies

  6. im 14 and i only eat dinner...

    what ever my mom makes is what i eat

    but i skip breakfast and lunch then dont eat a lot at dinner

    but i drink a lot of water and powerade zero


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