
What do you eat on a red day and a green day to lose weight ?

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what food can you eat on a green day




  1. You should tell us the name of your diet as obviously the whole red day/green day thing must go with a particular diet.  I'm unfamilar with the terms.

  2. since no one else can give a decent answer i'll answer it.

    On a green day you can eat pasta and potatoes all free. Pasta n sauces are good, the contain about one syn. Rice is good aswell, you could do a vegetable curry. I just had a chicken and bacon pasta bake, which is gorgeous, use the meat as a healthy option B and pasta is free, then make a free sauce using chicken stock and water, milk, cornflour, natural yogurt and creme fraiche.

    And you can fill up on superfree foods such as fruit, salad, low fat yogurts.

    And use 5-15 syns, you can include these in meals, or use them from crisps, chocolate etc. And and your healthy options!  

  3. Green Day is April 20, also called "pot day". I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "red day" and "green day" but if you want to lose weight I suppose you should call Jenny Craig. 1-800-JENNY20.

  4. this explains more about it, but it doesn't sound very good.

  5. green day is a band lol.

    maybe u could eat off them if they laid perfectly still

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