
What do you eat that you know is very bad for you,but you love the taste soo much?

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that you eat it.




  1. cheese and biscuits in front of the TV after dinner

  2. Cheese! I am diabetic and have to watch my weight and cholesterol, so I should not eat cheese. But there are so many wonderful varieties and I love 'em all! I try to ration myself to special treats.

  3. ice cream and cakes.fattenings,full of calories and sugar.not very good to every ones health.

  4. Cake.  White with white buttercream or chocolate with chocolate buttercream.

  5. Hot Chips

  6. bacon!!!

  7. Anything sweet, :)

    Also salted popcorn, with melted chocolate.

  8. chili cheese fries with sour cream

  9. lazaghnia, with to tons of meet and bashamil sause  

  10. Popeyes southern fried spicy crispy chicken and buttermilk biscuits

  11. peanut filled donuts.........

  12. Crisps! (chips in America)

  13. Over spiced, over fatty slow roasted pork ribs dripping with extra sauce, eaten with fingers


    Yes I know they are bad for me but I don't care..........sometimes

  14. Melted cheese on anything, but just as bad, as I am struggling with my weight, the worst thing I do  but love, is eating at night, love to curl up in bed and watch a good movie with some munchies! which is obviously why I am struggling with my weight, well duh me! :)

  15. popcorn&chocolate. delish

  16. Ooh where do I begin?

    Southern Fried chicken

    Double cheeseburgers

    Chocolate of any variety

    Fruit pies with tonnes of custard

    Mature cheddar

    Lots and lots of fries/chips whatever you want to call them

    Pork pies

    Sausage Rolls

    Cornish pasties

    Scotch eggs

    Too many evil things to name :)

  17. nachos and second helpings mmmmm oh and chewy italian bread.

  18. peanut butter m&m's. sooooooooooooooooooo many calories, but they are so good. I am glad we can't get them in the UK, it does restrict me somewhat, but I just love them x

  19. Hm, I don't really eat bad stuff but sometimes i have too much of one thing which in turn makes it bad... like ciabatta bread... (misconception that white bread is bad for you... it isn't bad for you eaten in small and realistic portions) =]

  20. chips!

  21. One simply cannot resist a pork pie.

    One knows it is wrong for one but one does not care.

    A picnic without a pork pie is just simply a poor show don't you know ?

  22. pumpkin pie

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