
What do you enjoy most?

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What makes you happy?

It may be the same as what makes most people happy?




  1. Life, Love, Family and Scottish Country Dancing!

  2. Stimulating conversation with someone I love.

  3. Drinking coffee at a cafe when it's raining and watching people oblivious to everyone else. Being caught in a storm, preferably snow or heavy wind and rain, it makes you feel alive.

  4. It makes all the people happy when they are with loved one. that my be thier family, or frind or their special frind, and sharing the happness of loved one.

  5. LIFE!!! I LOVE being alive. To be able to laugh, love, cry, feel etc...

  6. What a lovely question! I'm gonna say, I enjoy falling in love most.

  7. Having my children and now my grandchildren run in the room, throw their little arms around me, tell me they love me, and take off again. Having one of my little ones crawl up in my lap with a book and beg me to read to them. Sunsets and sunrises. Beautiful, quiet nature settings. All those wonderful little things in life that you can't buy.

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