
What do you fear in this life?

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What do you fear in this life?




  1. dead bodys



    not being able to make it through skewl

  2. Clowns, lots and lots of clowns, or even one. Those things are scary man. They were just born to kill.

  3. my vulnerability

  4. Death, not being able to complete my dreams because of all the illicit substances and other things I've done.


  5. Not serving my purpose in life. That's really the only thing its come down to anymore, I stopped fearing death not to long ago. I'm actually looking forward to the day my end comes, things will be much better after leaving the horrible place the world seems to have become.

  6. God ?

  7. Big Bob in Prison if you know what I mean =O

  8. hights. a common fear. I also am slightly claustrophobic. My mom is the same way, i wonder if that has something to do with it.  

  9. Loneliness and Failure are my top two.

  10. That if I'm any more paranoid and worrisome, the wrinkles in my forehead will develop and take over my face.

  11. heights!

  12. Spiders, rejection, growing old alone (i.e. never marrying).

  13. Rejection (probably), death, death of loved ones, murder, being attacked by scary stuff (psychos, creatures, maybe wild animals), Being the last Earthling.

  14. the failure of _possibility_ AND _thinking of a bad outcome (trippin real bad)

  15. Not really LIVING

  16. how i'm going to die

  17. i fear mostly of not living at all... and rejection and not being loved.

  18. religious zealots and fundamentalists.  I truly see them as dangerous.

  19. Diseases, Infections, Viruses, Cancer, Sickness.

    and all other problems with the Human Body.

    life would be perfect without them

  20. My husband's death before mine.  I don't think I could live without him.

    Thanks for the tears.

  21. my top three fears:

    #1 losing love

    #2 infidelity

    #3 really really big spiders

    ( go to you can see what all the fears are ever. cool names too)

  22. being alone

    with no one to comfort me

    basically losing my boyfriend

  23. Massive injury.

  24. Being alone. As in being the only member of my immediate family alive. Sure aunts & uncles and cousins are good but they don't compare to mom & dad and brothers & sisters.

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