
What do you fear most of all?

by  |  earlier

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I fear nothing, I try to empty myself of fear. I can watch any horror movie, read any gore lyrics. But if there is one thing I do fear a bit, it would have to be disease. A new disease so terrible, you rot for days, months, slowly before you die. Something that makes death welcome in a contagious way. A disease to wipe out all of the human race but maybe a handful of rot resistance survivors.

On that happy note, your fears?




  1. I just don't want to get wasted by angry aliens when they come to earth a blastin'.

    And I don't want to be eaten by a dinosaur.

  2. you

  3. I don't know if this sounds stupid or anything, but I'm really scared of red mini vans... I was chased by a crazy lady in one and well... I just can't stand the things... I'm also claustrophobic so...

    MQ: "Be Without Fear" by Behemoth

  4. I am scared of nightmares... weird, but it's because long ago, when I was very young, I had a dream of a strange man looking like a clown who was looking at me through the window. Since then, I dreamt countless times of him and there was a time where I was just afraid of sleeping... I'm also scared of being attacked and of pain... And I'm a very shy guy so I'm also scared of other people sometimes...

    Shredder, I agree with you. I have thought long about this (even dreamed about) and I really fear that EVERYTHING won't be anymore, and I won't even realize it... But the good side is that I won't be conscious of that...

    EDIT: Hey, TD trolls! I know your worst fear would be to get caught and recieve tons of TDs, plus everyone else recieve tons of TUs...

  5. I don't mind looking at gore and things of the sort, but I am deathly afraid of losing (any of) my senses.  And, I certainly agree with you on the disease thing; I have a big fear of deadly things you cannot control.  Sometimes I get very paranoid and get scared of small rooms or areas.  Once, I was on an airplane, halfway across the world and I suddenly started getting some kind of claustrophobic/anxiety attack.  Just thinking about how I was 35,000 feet in the air in a little closed in airplane...God that was horrible.

    I also fear committing suicide in a violent way...I mean, drinking myself to death would be favored over using any sharp objects or...hanging.

    MQ: "Don't Fear The Reaper" - Blue Oyster Cult

  6. I'm afraid of the unknown... which is, well, practically everything...

    And your talk of diseases reminds me that I'm afraid of Ebola.

    MQ: Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden

  7. Tight spaces and I agree with the disease thing, I'm afraid that some epidemic will harm us.

    MQ: Blinded by Fear - At the Gates

  8. I try not to have fears, because mostly they're irrational. But i can't help being afraid of spiders, or insects - i don't know why, but i've just always been a bit scared of them.  

  9. im afraid of not living a fulfilling life

  10. Because I am an open minded agnostic person and a realist my views on Death are that most likely our luck is going to be that when you pass away which is the ultimate fate of every human and its pretty much every ones ultimate destiny what happens between birth and death is mostly by choice and a chance that anything goes, so in other words there is no fate or destiny between birth and death its just simply a time continuum of life. is that when we pass away we most likely go back to eternal sleep and the annihilation of consciousness and that absolute nothingness is my ultimate fear, its just flat out spooky, however I am not certain of that and the unknown of that is very frustrating. my other ultimate fear is getting in some terrible accident where you experience excruciating pain and perhaps a life debilitating physical impairment form it

  11. I've also tried to do this - I've always been able to deal with gore, 'scary' things, blood and guts, anything like that. So it sounds really stupid when I say I'm literally terrified [terrified, i.e., run out of room screaming and having panic-esque attacks XD] of moths. Euch euch just thinking about them, bleh, blehhhh.

    But diseases, death, etc, no not really.

    Edit! Oh wait! I thought of something - something happening that I would not be able to use my body at all, even speak, but have a fully-functional brain. The way I see it, if it's anything else, if things become to much like with a disease or whatnot, you can always kill yourself, it's your choice.

  12. Truthfully I'm not afraid of diseases... That's life.. I'm not afraid of any 'monsters' or UFOs things but i don't like ghost related movies.

    I'm afraid of accidents.. like car accidents and work related fatalities and just horrible catastrophes.

  13. Danger, real danger.

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