
What do you fear most?

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What do you fear most?




  1. Death

  2. lizards

  3. Deep Water. *shudder* Being left out at sea would be absolutely the worst thing ever... but that's never gonna happen :P Unless I'm kidnapped -.- never trust anyone.

  4. Just one word-darkness

  5. Murders, killers... Terrorists

  6. spiders, gangs of hoodies and the day of judgement

  7. Lightning and hurricanes

  8. To add to the collection...spiders :( Get a feeling a lot will say this!

  9. spiders are my worst enemy :s they r soo creepy!

  10. the thought of heaven n JC not existing - yeah i know you probably thinking 'yeah whatever'


    imagine the idea that it doesnt and that when ya die that really is it?

    it sort of deflates everything we do - i mean heaven is either a real cool party we all end up going to

    or maybe years n years ago some dude/ette found death to hard to accept and made this place up and over the years a myth became a religion

    JC is a legend should it all be real - but yeah i mean - dying n then never seeing my chick , bro's or buddies - yeah that would be scary..........

  11. Actual phobias: the dark (I have a vivid imagination), heights (I enjoy them just because I like being scared)

    Fears: losing those closest to me, having no hope.


  12. Roller coasters and dentists.  

  13. Spiders! They are so creepy.

  14. Spiders!

    they actually make me so numb and scared!

  15. reality

  16. Oblivion.

  17. judgement day

  18. Chickens - They're friggin' creeeepy! Although Fab to eat, yummy!

  19. spiders

    a hornet stinging me because it hurts. it really hurts.

    being stuck in an elevator

  20. Spiders, thunderstorms and needles

  21. exams.

  22. Spiders!

  23. spiders  

  24. Running out of my limit to answer questions before 9 in the morning.

  25. Impotence

  26. The skin of peaches. NO JOKE.

  27. Spiders

  28. Centipedes

  29. snakes
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