
What do you fear the most in the world?

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What do you fear the most in the world?




  1. Letting my parents down

  2. Dying with regret. Being on my death bed with the should of, could haves, & would haves if only....

  3. Diseases and sharks :) And being kept alone from the people I want to be with.  

  4. Illness....

  5. Myself  

  6. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    The Bad End.

  7. That power which is hidden from my eyes but still here, which have a eye on me, who can change everything in the next moment, which can creat a problem or can solve a problem at 11th hour.

    May be you can call that power GOD and I have fear of him only.  

  8. The future.- who wouldn't be afraid??? & heights.

  9. This world holds no fear except when caught in an illusion.

    Dwelling on illusions is the way the ego tries to sustain them.

  10. by terrorist;dark;and;halmful animals

  11. they are:-

    (1)emotional-lossing any membar of my family.especially my parents & sister(my didi)

    (2)friendly-lossing any friend( actually no friends r like that)

    (3)terror-any type of dangorous ghost & black magic.

    (4)tcher-my biology tcher

    (5)diesece-my god! so many r there.

    (6)animal-many many

    (7)realy bad-lizard

    (5) my self to be dead

    i dont know what will happen of me. so many fear r there!

  12. Egocentricity, self-seeking /self-centered  people in power(constitutionally or unconstitutionally) who would destroy humanity.  

  13. bugs

  14. Human.

  15. 'REGRET'...i fear it the most. no matter how much i think before acting i always end up regrettin that's what i fear the most. i wish i cud just be happy with what i've done and not regret my decisions...

  16. Any thing that causes bodly harm to myself and family, like all diseases,  earthquak, terrorist attacks, police firing, War, cyclone, Tsunami, flood, draught etc etc  

  17. Mosquitos. All animals, man is able to keep in cage / net. For fear of mosquito, man hids himself inside a net.


  18. POVERTY......

    tat 2 born in india,,,,i thank HIM everyday tat i'm not poor......

    but while seeing others its very pity and horrible...

    1 can die in a moment.....its easy...

    but these poor ppl...they die everyday....

    PRAY 4 THEM...

  19. I fear myself going against my inner sub conscious(Pure soul within).

  20. I don't allow fear to be part of my life experience. When i do feel fear over something, i look at what is causing me to feel the fear and i decide to make a different choice about how i feel about that thing or situation. Fear is a very unhealthy emotion and it can actually cause toxins to be released in the body. Over time, living in fear can make a person very sick and cause their life to be quite unpleasant from a health aspect. Choosing not to allow fear to take over a situation is very freeing. I think everyone should try it!  

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