
What do you feed a kitten who is only a month old? She no longer has a mother and i rescued her ?

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What do you feed a kitten who is only a month old? She no longer has a mother and i rescued her ?




  1. Yes, give it store bought kitten replacement milk. You also need to stimulate it so that it can evacuate after eating- you get a warm moist cloth and gently rub its privates so it can pee and stuff

  2. Karen, you can get some kitten's milk at Petco or Petsmart for now, get her to a vet and ask THEM what to feed her.

    You've asked the same thing three times in three different questions!  How many times do you have to hear it?  GET IT TO A VET or you may be reported for animal neglect.

  3. Warm some milk up for, your little kitten:).  

  4. go with canned kitten food, preferably science diet a/d, I am NOT a big fan of science diet, but the A/D is the best for very young kittens and puppies, sick or injured cats and dogs, you may need to put a bit of KMR kitten replacement milk on the food to make it "soupy" so she can just l**k it up, and as she gets older you can graduate her to other foods, such as Wellness kitten or Royal Canin baby cat,  

  5. go to walmart and get milk supplement for kittens


  7. take SIAMESE advice.i strongley agree and have kittens and cats all my life! best of luckxx

  8. Canned food mixed with KMR (kitten milk replacer, available @ pet stores) from a shallow dish or saucer. You may have to wipe some on her nose to encourage him/her to eat from a dish. If not, he/she may need to be fed KMR from a syringe or bottle. A 4 week old kitten should be eating every 3-5 hours and should be stimulated to pee and p**p by wiping it's bottom with a warm, wet cloth after every feeding. Keep it warm (a nice box turned on it's side with some towels works fine), keep a litter box near by, don't be surprized it he/she has some accidents. Good luck!

  9. wallmart has kitten'll work:)  

  10. Your vet will have a dry formula specifically designed for kittens.  If you can't get to the vet try cooked, finely diced chicken or beef.  Some people recommend eggs, I've always stayed away from raw eggs and have had success with cooked and mashed.  I also provide water, not milk.

    Be careful if you feed her with a dropped, kittens get respiratory infections very easily.

    Thanks for the rescue.

  11. I got my kitten at a month old (it was found as a stray and I got it from animal control) -- a month is old enough to eat dry kitten food. If she doesn't want it, put a little water on it. Or you could give her canned kitten food. I know IAMS makes a kitten canned food, though not many brands do.

  12. Go to a local animal supplyment store (PetsmartPetco,etc.) and they willhave kitten milk or goat's milk with a special bottle for her.


    Good luck!

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