
What do you feed a new born duck?

by  |  earlier

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just hatched yesterday but now is all cherpy and running around pecking at stuff.




  1. bread

  2. Quackers just kidding , go to your local co-op they have duck feed there

  3. dont feed it brother did that to a duckling he found and it shortly died :(

  4. bugs, meal worms I think

  5. Go to your local TSC or Tractor Store.They sell duckling food.Make sure it has plenty of fresh water in a shallow dish.My son lost a baby duckling when he put a small bowl of water in her box.You would have thought she would have jumped out but she drowned.Enjoy you new baby!!

  6. Donuts

  7. You can buy chick food at any feed mill or Tractor Supply Store.  You should have a fresh water in a poultry waterer not a bowl.  Also, if it gets cool at night a heat lamp is nice.  If it's kept outside, make sure a wild animal or cat can't reach it through the cage bars.

  8. They are to ONLY eat starter that is NON medicate. The brand called Dumor is great. This is at a local Tractor Supply Store. Ask an associate about feed for ducks. Some T.S.C are different. The medicated has a high number of protien they dont need. SOme is medicated but will not hurt them. As long as its under 20 percent.

    When they reach 1-2 months old, you can start to feed him Cracked Corn. This is what most people including me feed mine. When they are 2 months old you can feed them this and also most like watermelon. You can feed him fruits and veggies. I dont like mealworms because they can eat the insides of the duck. You can give a lil bread now. When they are babies they can digest it very well.

    * * * Also, make sure that you have a safe pen for him. When  he is 1.5 months old he can stay outside. Younger he needs to be inside. While he is inside make sure he has a heatlamp for warmth. If he is too hot he will stay away from the lamp. If too cold he will constantly be under it and getting real close to the lamp. * * *

    * * * When he is outside if it turns out to be a female duck. GEt her a nesting box. You can get a lil doghouse and put straw in it. They will lay eggs and sleep in it in the winter. Expecially if you put a heatlamp in the winter they will go in there. Tehy dont need a heatlamp though. The pen needs a roof and safe border around it. weather it be plywood or chicken wire. This keeps racoons, cyotes, fox, and flying preditors like owls and hawks out.

    If you need anything else ask me.

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