
What do you feed ur 16 month old?

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everything from breakfest to night im just curios Thanks:)




  1. She eats mostly Gerber food. Some times, I give her the Gerber Graduates: Lil Entrees for dinner, and for lunch, she eats Adult food, like hotdogs and maybe a lunchable. She mainly eats Gerber Graduates though, because she really likes them and they give a great source of protein.

  2. breakfast:


    scrambled eggs

    cream of wheat


    french toast

    morning snack

    gerber graduates snack foods


    nutri grain bars

    apple juice


    any kind of sandwiches\

    any kinds of soups

    gerber graduates ready to serve lunch food

    macroni and cheese

    afternoon snacks

    stick of cheese


    cheese it crackers

    cup of any fruits (peaches, pineapples, applesauce, etc)


    small prtions of any table foods what the family eat for dinner and easier for the baby to eat (lasagna, pizza, chicken, spaghetti, etc) except hot dogs, steak, tacos, other hard to eat foo

    late snack:


    anything that contain protein, which makes them sleepy

    dessert foods

    glass of water

    same foods as earlier snacks.

    I hope that helps.

  3. I feed my son so many different things - he's one year old!! Here are some ideas..

    For breakfast:

    Cut up bananas, grapes, strawberries

    Cooked egg yolk and cut up sausage

    Pieces of pancakes, french toast sticks, or waffles with yogurt on top

    Cheerios and raisins


    Macaroni and cheese with cut up hot dogs

    Grilled ham & cheese sandwich cut up in small pieces

    Brocolli and noodles

    Pieces of chicken nuggets and mixed vegetables

    Potato and cheese pierogies cut up

    Tortellini cut up and corn

    Ground beef with rice and stewed tomatoes


    Veggie crackers, Gerber puffs, yogurt covered raisins, applesauce, cheese, cut up fruit, etc.

  4. I nursed my kids till they were toddlers, and whenever they took some food off of my plate, I let them eat it (within reason of course).  I never really got into baby food or anything ~ they really don't need it.  If you don't nurse, you could use a blender to mush up whatever you are eating, and let them enjoy. They really let you know when they are ready to eat things.  Good luck~

  5. My daughter eats whatever we eat and if she can't have what we're having then I always have gerber graduate toddler meals on hand or pasta pick ups and our walmart sells veggies in little cups (like fruit cups) so I stock up on those and you just pop them in the microwave for 30 secs so if we're eating unhealthy at least we've got veggies and other foods on hand to make seperatly.

    In the morning she usually has a yo baby yogurt and cheerios.  Or a banana, or applesauce, toast, or eggs.  She usually helps me eat my cereal (honey bunches of oats) or bagel as well.

    For lunch mac and cheese, a sandwich (turkey or grilled cheese, or PB and J.) chicken noodle soup minus the broth (the good kind with large noodles and big chunks of chicken and veggies) Lunchables has a good Jr. size that she likes.  Or I buy bags of pre-cooked diced chicken and give her pieces of that with a veggie and/or fruit. and bread.

    for dinner, lasagna, spaghetti, hamburger, chicken, salmon, just whatever we eat.

    snacks, she likes peanut butter or cheese sandwich crackers, whole grain goldfish, costco sells these individual bags of freeze dried fruit (so it's crunchy not chewy, easy to eat) zwieback toast, yogurt melts, graham crackers.

  6. Whatever the family is eating....except for spicy food.  Eggs, bacon, name it.

  7. By now a lot of babies are eating things like

    soft cooked veggies

    fresh fruits cut up small- grapes- no.

    soft meats cut up very small

    Cheerios and cereals

    hot cereals like oatmeal and cream of wheat


    potatoes, rice, pastas

    yogurt if not allergic to milk, cheeses, cream cheeses, etc.

    Just the normal easy to eat stuff we have, but no spices. Some babies can handle spices at a young age, but most tend to go more bland. My Daughter at 6 1/2 years old still eats very bland.  

  8. my son is 16 months old, born april 2007, and he pretty much eats what we eat, in the morning he has a cup of milk while we have our coffee, then we give him a piece of toast, at around 930 -10 he has breakfast, eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal, fruit kabobs, oatmeal, then for snacks he has slices of cheese (whatever I have, right now were loving havarti and gouda cheese) and crackers, those quaker popcorn chips, fresh fruit he loves mangos, bananas, peaches, blueberries,salmonberries, and sometimes raspberries. For lunch we normally just cook up a pasta add some flavoring, sometimes we just add parmesan, or some avocado pureed up with some corn and peas, soups, and cut up sandwiches with lunchmeat and mayo.

    For dinner,he eats what we eat, minus any extra spices, so I always add the spice at the end. He wont eat hamburger, its weird cause he'll eat any other type of meat other than cow.

    For desert, I have been known to give him ice cream, he does eat muffins, but mostly we try to keep sugar out of his diet.

  9. Its time for eat eat you know food.

  10. food.

  11. Breakfast...a bowl of fruity cheerios and a sippie cup of milk

    Snack...cheese and peanut butter crackers (sandwich type of cracker that you could get out of a vending machine) and juice.  My daughter then naps.  Upon waking, a cup of juice and a lunchable type meal/snack.  She'll have what we're having for dinner, just cut up tiny.  If, for some reason she couldn't have what we were having (soup or spicy food as an example) I will cook her eggs and wheat toast with butter.   She loves this and it is quick, easy, and healthy.  After dinner she'll usually try to steal whatever it is what her sisters are having for snack.  She has been known to steal their brownies and cookies right out from under their noses...but we try to give her yougurt instead... :)

  12. Well, my daughter is only 14months but I figured close enough.  The list is not what she eats everyday because I mix it up but these are things I always have.

    Oatmeal with bananas (by gerber or beech nut)

    Cheerios with milk and sliced banana or blue berries

    Yo Baby yogurt

    French toast sticks (no syrup)

    Turkey and Cheese (or ham and cheese) sandwich on wheat or oatmeal bread.

    Grilled cheese

    A mix of veggies (peas, corn, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, sqaush) in bite size pieces.



    Organic Animal Crackers

    Earths Best fruit granola bars

    Arrowroot cookies

    Gerber fruit snacks

    Pudding cup or a little Ice Cream (as a treat, not every day)


    100% Juice no suger added

    Whole Milk

    Poland Springs Water with child safe cap

    For dinner she has whatever we eat (Chicken and veggies, to Pasta and sauce, to pot roast supper).

    I hope that helps.

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