
What do you feed your goldfish?

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What kind of fish food do you feed your goldfish? I ran out of food so I need to get some more. Do you feed them crisps or flakes? I have 3 calico fantails and 4 orandas and 1 feeder goldfish that lived in my 40 gallon tank!




  1. feed them cereal if you run out

  2. Feed your fish food formulated for goldfish. You can find it at any pet store. Pellet or other sinking foods are generally better because they prevent your goldfish from gulping air as he eats.  

  3. The most important thing to remember about feeding is that they cannot digest excess protein. So the food you choose has to be low on proteins and high on carbohydrates. A proper diet for your goldfish will be varied and will follow proper procedures and will be in right quantities.

    All species require different diets and it is imperative for you to know the correct diet of the specie you are feeding. Goldfish do not thrive well on carnivorous diet and become dull colored and sluggish if fed a carnivorous diet. You can make the goldfish diet healthier by supplementing it with shelled and deskinned peas and blanched green leafy vegetables. Again, be careful about the quantity.

    Feeding the fish only one type of food can cause constipation, diarrhea and even diseases since over time the fish’s resistence is lowered owing to poor nutrition. You should give your goldfish a variety in food. For instance, add lettuce and brine shrimp to the flakes. With variety your goldfish will become more active and colorful.

    Did you know that can actually eat till they burst? Yes! The intestines of goldfish may actually burst, killing the fish due to overfeeding. Goldfish do not stop eating on their own, therefore you have to caliberate their diet. As a general rule, feed your fish only twice a day and only as much as they can consume in 3-4 minutes.

  4. fish flakes or live brine shrimp

  5. id go with goldfish food flakes..

  6. fish flake, mosquito larvae, shrimp brine, peas, boiled potato, bloodworm, bread.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

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